Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

Especially designed to wipe Israel out, first. Then the great Satan, America, is next. My guess is a nuclear bunker buster is about the right weapon. Demonstrates what the Great Satan can do while at the same time, showing the ragheads what they can’t have.Natanz Iran overhead showing ongoing underground construction.

The centrifuge separation cascade is likely in the newly constructed underground facilities. Given that you have access to mined and prepared yellowcake, which Iran has indigenous supplies of, then the calculations for yielding enriched nuclear material works out to;

An implosion weapon using U235 would require about 20 kg of 90% U235. Roughly 176 kg of natural uranium would be required per kg of HEU product.

Put another way, about 4 tons of yellow cake is needed for each gun-tube type implosion warhead.

More photos and details here. The facilities can hold approximately 50,000 gas centrifuges arranged in cascades. Additional facilities could easily be spread around Iran for additional HEU production capacity.

If you have google earth loaded, here is the link Open this Placemark. The perimeter fence, road and anti-aircraft battery locations are clearly visible. It’s believed that Iran gets most of it’s Uranium from mines in and around Saghand, Iran.

On 27 May 2003, it was revealed that two additional secret uranium enrichment facilities were being constructed by the Iranian government. The first is at Lashkar-Abad, which is close to Hashtgerd, and the second is at Ramandeh. It is believed these sites are being built underground similar to Natanz. Both new cites have not been confirmed, but the IAEA has visited and said no nuclear activities appear to be ongoing — at least that they could see.

Regime Change Iran has a complete list of Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Iran’s nuclear facilitiesPrior to the 2003 war, Iraq had at least 500 tons of yellow cake stored at the al Tawaitha nuclear facility. Iraq was building, or had built, a similar underground yellow cake processing facility prior to 2003 at the phosphate mine at al Qaim Iraq.
al Qaim Iraq overhead showing their hidden yellow cake production facility. Rough calculation, divide 500 by 4 to get the approximate number of warheads Iraq could get from their stored yellow cake. It is not known whether Iraq had any centrifuge production locations prior to 2003.

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