Food prices jump will hit poor, World Bank warns, 10% Jump In July 2012

August 31, 2012

Burning corn will do that to you. If you are that stupid, then have at it.

Global food prices have leapt by 10% in the month of July, raising fears of soaring prices for the planet’s poorest, the World Bank has warned.

The bank said that a US heatwave and drought in parts of Eastern Europe were partly to blame for the rising costs.

The price of key grains such as corn, wheat and soybean saw the most dramatic increases, described by the World Bank president as “historic”.

The bank warned countries importing grains will be particularly vulnerable.

From June to July this year, corn and wheat prices each rose by 25% while soybean prices increased by 17%, the World Bank said. Only rice prices decreased – by 4%

The USA is sticking to the nonsense of converting billion bushels of corn to gasoline stocks. Stupid live high.

Inflation anyone? So exactly why ate the idiots at the Fed looking at QE3. It’s not going to reelect our stooge Preezy.

44% Give Obama Poor Marks on His Handling of Economy [Who are the 35% who approve?!]

August 31, 2012

The economy is still the number one issue on voters’ minds this election season, and a plurality continues to give President Obama poor marks in this area.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 35% of Likely Voters believe the president is doing a good or excellent job handling economic issues. Forty-four percent (44%) give Obama a poor rating in this area.

So you want morons? Plenty here. Freeloaders as Nancy Pelosi says?

Read more at …

Latest Anti-Obama Billboards Show Young Girl Flipping the Bird

August 31, 2012

You mean like this???

Who needs a billboard …


Second Term O=0

August 31, 2012

Just a day on the beach …

If you think your net worth dropping 40% was something, wait until the second term.

Clint Eastwood Speaks at RNC – Full Speech – ‘It’s Time for a businessman

August 31, 2012

Fact checkers start checking facts in mainstream media ‘Liberal fact checks’…

August 31, 2012

Jigs up boys … We don’t need you anymore. The lies are too much to take anymore.

If media “fact checkers” are just impartial guardians of the truth, how come they got their own facts wrong about Paul Ryan’s speech, and did so in a way that helped President Obama’s re-election effort?

Case in point was the rush of “fact check” stories claiming Ryan misled when he talked about a shuttered auto plant in his home state.

Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler posted a piece — “Ryan misleads on GM plant closing in hometown” — saying Ryan “appeared to suggest” that Obama was responsible for the closure of a GM plant in Janesville, Wis.

“That’s not true,” Kessler said. “The plant was closed in December 2008, before Obama was sworn in.”

What’s not true are Kessler’s “facts.” Ryan didn’t suggest Obama was responsible for shuttering the plant. Instead, he correctly noted that Obama promised during the campaign that the troubled plant “will be here for another hundred years” if his policies were enacted.

Also, the plant didn’t close in December 2008. It was still producing cars until April 2009.

Yep plenety of time for Obama and his car company to contie production of swich to whatever rot gut car Obama wanted.


August 31, 2012

Well this didn’t last, following Romney, Obama decides to visit La. Got under his skin ehhh?

Leading from behind, once again.


O scrambles to cancel campaign stops…

Typical of an empty suit …

The reaction to Clint Eastwood’s “invisible Obama” routine at the Republican National Convention last night came down hard, setting Twitter on fire and giving political pundits plenty to talk about. It was a hoot “I can’t do that”!!! Said the empty chair … Hours after Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney visited Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac on Friday, White House press secretary Jay Carney announced President Barack Obama would call an audible in his schedule and visit Louisiana on Monday to assess the storm’s damage. Obama’s leading-from-behind reaction to Romney’s visit reaffirmed Clint Eastwood’s empty chair analogy.

“This seat’s taken,” President Obama’s re-election team posted on Twitter, along with a photo of Obama sitting in his chair. Outed Obama did it?

Ann Romney said on CBS today that Eastwood “did a unique thing,” adding that she and her husband “appreciated his support.”

The Reckoning: CIA Interrogation Investigation Closed Without Further Charges

August 31, 2012

Another liberal lie bits the dust …

With the nation’s eyes fixed on Tampa, the Obama Justice Department quietly announced the closure of its much heralded investigation into purported torture, murder, and other war crimes that the Bush-deranged Left alleged were committed in carrying out the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program.

Attorney General Eric Holder issued a statement Thursday afternoon, reporting that the investigation was being terminated without charges.

Hah, cleaning out the house …

Feds Fail To catch 117,000 collecting both disability, unemployment

August 31, 2012

Do they really want to catch them?

It’s how crony Big Government works, gives to Big Government workers and doesn’t enforce laws.

A simple laptop could figure this out … If anybody wanted to do it …:

As many as 117,000 Americans simultaneously collect unemployment benefits and federal disability each year, a form of double-dipping that investigators say costs taxpayers $850 million annually and should be ended.

The reason for the double-spending, investigators at the Government Accountability Office reported this week, is good old-fashioned lack of communication.

Put simply, the Labor Department that funds unemployment benefits and the Social Security Administration that funds disability payments don’t compare notes, leavings tens of thousands of Americans each month to collect two checks from a stretched-thin government treasury.

“The government is replacing a portion of their lost earnings not once, but twice. Reducing or eliminating this overlap and potential improper payments could offer substantial savings,” GAO warned.

Those who take advantage can make out quite well. One double-dipper identified by the GAO, for instance, wracked up a handsome $62,000 in 2010 by tapping both programs simultaneously, even though it appears the person also held a job, investigators found. Another received $107,000 in overlapping payments between 2008 and 2011, despite working for construction companies, auditors found.

I bet you wish you could collect this free money handout from the Obama-Candyman. Buying votes.

Jon Voight: This Election Is “A Fight to Save America From the Downgrading of Obama’s Views and Ideas”

August 31, 2012

Actor Jon Voight spoke at the Defending the Defenders forum sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots outside the RNC Convention in Tampa on Tuesday.

In his prepared comments he warned the crowd what a second Obama term would mean for our country.

“This coming November will be the most important election… of our lifetime. The stakes are high. It will be a fight to save America from the downgrading of Obama’s views and ideas.”

Here is the video at the Tea Party forum, outside the RNC Convention: