EPA Funding Climbed 51% Since 2008

February 28, 2013

If there ever was a government agency that has out lived it’s usefulness it’s Nixon’s decreed EPA.

Federal funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is up by more than half—in real dollars—since 2008, according to calculations based on Treasury Department data.

In 2008, EPA funding was $7,938,000,000, according to the Final Monthly Treasury Statement for fiscal year 2008. That would be $8,464,894,460 in real 2012 dollars, according to the BLS calculator. The same Treasury report said EPA funding climbed to $12,796,000,000 in fiscal year 2012. That’s a 51.1 percent funding increase from four years earlier. …

Read more at cnsnews.com …

USA Has Oil Everywhere

February 28, 2013

Get this…

If you add up the recoverable resource estimate for the oft-mentioned Bakken formation in North Dakota, as well as the Eagle Ford in South Texas… then DOUBLE it, you’ll get close to the number of recoverable barrels of oil that remain trapped in the heart of this untapped “mega” shale deposit.

In California …

Put another way, according to the US Energy Information Administration, this one massive shale play represents 64% of the total recoverable shale oil resource base in the country.

It’s the big kahuna, and today we’ll take a look at how the profit opportunities are stacking up for this behemoth…

Continue Reading at DailyReckoning.com…

The Meteor Has Landed:Sequester Cuts Are Here to Stay

February 28, 2013

Well that wasn’t too bad was it.


You can stop talking now. Nobody is listening anymore, Ya know, to tell you, chicken little had the exact same problem.

Nutty Feinstein Is Losing it: Maybe she is just too old?

February 28, 2013

Nutty Feinstein Is Losing it: Maybe she is just too old?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) made her case in favor of gun control during a packed hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. The hearing was called to debate Feinstein’s proposed a ban on so-called “assault weapons.”

“Let me now describe the key features of our new legislation, the ‘Assault Weapons Ban of 2013,’” Feinstein said Wednesday. “The bill bans the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of 157 specifically named semi-automatic assault weapons.”

She continued: “It also bans any other assault weapon, which is defined as a semi-automatic weapon that can accept a detachable magazine and has one military characteristic, such as a pistol grip, barrel shroud, or folding stock…These features were developed for military weapons to make them more effective and efficient at killing people in close-combat situations.”

Feinstein, with photos of Sandy Hook victims behind her, argued that the U.S. has “witnessed an increased number of these mass killings” and called semi-automatic “assault weapons” the one “common thread running through these mass shootings.” She says the gun ban is needed in order to prevent future tragedies.

“Sadly, [Newtown] is not an anomaly,” Feinstein said. “We have witnessed an increased number of these mass killings. The one common thread running through these mass shootings — from Aurora, Colorado, to Tucson, Arizona, to Blacksburg, Virginia — is that the gunman used a military-style semi-automatic assault weapon or a large capacity magazine to inflict unspeakable terror.”

Laughing at nuts because all you can do anymore is laugh — I am sorry miss Nutty Senator, have you seen the FBI charts for 2011, if you had the semi-automatic guns you cite have been a tiny minority of all killings, Ever seen anyone take one into a 7-11 and try to rob the place.

Scare tactics, fear mongering is all we get anymore ….. Our county has for years has stationing sheriff deputies at our local school for years, ever since Biden’s no guns in this school made our school into gun free zones. Hey maybe that’s the nuttiness is what I am talking about ….

Debt Clock Makes Democrats Whine

February 28, 2013

Watch them whine … And try not to laugh yourself silly at them.

Woodward Reports White House Threat

February 28, 2013

Bob Woodward said this evening on CNN that a “very senior person” at the White House warned him in an email that he would “regret doing this,” the same day he has continued to slam President Barack Obama over the looming forced cuts known as the sequester.

CNN host Wolf Blitzer said that the network invited a White House official to debate Woodward on-air, but the White House declined.

“I think they’re confused,” Woodward said of the White House’s pushback on his reporting.

Earlier today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Woodward ripped into Obama in what has become an ongoing feud between the veteran Washington Post journalist and the White House. Woodward said Obama was showing a “kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time” for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns.

The Defense Department said in early February that it would not deploy the U.S.S. Harry Truman to the Persian Gulf, citing budget concerns relating to the looming cuts known as the sequester.


When you are dealing with thugs like this remember what comes next, after push, then shove, then …

EPA Funding Climbed 51% Since 2008

February 28, 2013

Federal funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is up by more than half—in real dollars—since 2008, according to calculations based on Treasury Department data.

In 2008, EPA funding was $7,938,000,000, according to the Final Monthly Treasury Statement for fiscal year 2008. That would be $8,464,894,460 in real 2012 dollars, according to the BLS calculator. The same Treasury report said EPA funding climbed to $12,796,000,000 in fiscal year 2012. That’s a 51.1 percent funding increase from four years earlier. …

Read more at cnsnews.com …

Rush Limbaugh: Why Totalitarians Release Prisoners

February 28, 2013

Just like Barack Obama, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro also released criminal prisoners.

Here’s the audio.

Rush Limbaugh slammed Barack Obama today for “opening up the jails” and releasing the criminals like fellow totalitarians.
From the Rush Limbaugh website:

RUSH: I tell you, I’m finding myself in a difficult situation here, because I know that certain words and phrases happen to turn people off in this country. For example — it’s been this way a long time — in this country and in the media today, if you say to somebody, “That person over there’s a communist,” you lose ‘em. That doesn’t work. So you say, “Okay, socialist.” Well, okay, that may make more impact. Call ‘em a totalitarian or a statist, they still don’t want to hear it.

But it’s challenging because that’s exactly what’s happening. Barack Obama is employing tactics that have been used by people like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro released hundreds of thousands of just the most horrible characters from his prisons and they infested south Florida in the Mariel Boatlift — and the same thing with Ceausescu and releasing his prisoners. Not all of them are political. Some of them were hardened criminals.

I mean, Ceausescu was trying to pollute Western Europe. He wasn’t sending a bunch of freedom fighters to Western Europe. He was polluting it. Castro was trying to pollute south Florida. He was trying to corrupt it, and the United States in general. Saddam Hussein was trying to corrupt Iraq and Baghdad by letting his most hardened criminals go. It was a punishment, a punishment to the citizens of Iraq for not supporting him, for being complicit in the forthcoming US invasion.

So what happens is, Ceausescu… Well, use the Mariel Boatlift. What happened in this country was the Mariel Boatlift — and, of course, the nice, compassionate people of America welcomed them in at first. “They’re escaping the dungeons of Fidel Castro! These are people seeking freedom, and we are people of freedom.” The same with Ceausescu’s release, and the same thing with Castro’s and Saddam’s. They end up corrupting the places that they go, and that’s the purpose of it.

Old Vehicles Never Die, They Just Get Green Rot

February 28, 2013



Thank you Obummer!!! Ya always looking out for the folks, are you …

The AP’s Claim that a DHS Official Resigned Over the Illegal Alien Releases Turns Out to Be False

February 28, 2013

All you have to do lamestream is call them and ask who did it, and can you speak to them? If you really wanted to …

Obama let the criminals go … Now prove he didn’t.

A buearacrat, can’t on their own disobey the law.

PJ Tatler writes:

Earlier today the Associated Press reported that a Department of Homeland Security official had resigned in the wake of the Obama administration’s decision to release thousands of illegal aliens awaiting the judicial process. The department cited budget cuts as the reason for the releases, despite the fact that the cuts would hit about one percent of DHS’s budget, and they have not even happened yet.

The AP’s story turns out to have been premature. No one has been fired or resigned in the wake of the release scandal.

The senior Homeland Security Department official in charge of arresting and deporting illegal immigrants announced his retirement the same day the agency said that hundreds of people facing deportation had been released from immigration jails due to looming budget cuts, according to a letter obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press. The government said he had told his bosses weeks ago that he planned to retire.

Read more at pjmedia.com