Rubio Signs On

January 26, 2011

Today, Rubio announced that the first bill he’ll co-sponsor as a senator, is DeMint’s Obamacare repeal bill which is identical to the one recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Rubio is one of 34 Republicans co-sponsoring the bill. Rubio has campaigned throughout the past year and in many tea party events that he is not only committed to reducing the deficit and stopping the growth of big government, but that he’ll push for the repeal of Obamacare. He is fulfilling that promise.

In a statement, Rubio said:

“It is critical for the future prosperity and health of our country that we repeal ObamaCare and replace it with common sense reforms that will lower health care costs and get more Americans insured. At a time when we need to be focused on creating a pro-jobs environment in Florida and across the country, ObamaCare has only served to foster uncertainty for job creators. We need to start over with reforms that promote competition, empower patients with more options, combat fraud and integrate the latest technologies for a system that better serves the patient.

It is imperative that the Senate Democrat leadership in Washington heed the call of families and job creators across Florida and allow for an up-or-down vote on this legislation.”

Don’t judge a politician solely on his words, but on his actions as well. Rubio is off to a good start.

Now this — 10 states invoke 1700s ‘nullification doctrine’… In our Constitutional system, the States are sovereign, they created the Federal Government not the other way around. Repeal the 17th Amendment, give the States back their representative. Who needs the “Schumer seat”, it should be New York’s seat.

Crist: Circling The Drain

February 27, 2010

“Moderate” Florida governor Charlie Crist’s Senate campaign is circling the drain. And it’s mostly his own fault.

Crist, a formerly conservative politician who “grew in office” and became a full blown RINO, shortly after becoming governor in 2007, Crist blew through a 50-point lead over conservative former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio faster than Sherman went through Georgia. Polls released this week by Rasmussen and the Florida Chamber of Commerce both show Rubio with an 18-point lead over Crist in a race for the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate seat Mel Martinez resigned from last summer.

In the general Rubio has a commanding lead over the little known Meek. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows Meek trailing Crist by 16 points and Rubio by 20 in general election match-ups, margins that are virtually unchanged from a month ago

Crist’s fall and Rubio’s ascendance have been so steady and uninterrupted that key members of Crist’s political organization are leaving in order to pursue “other opportunities”. When  Crist appointed a liberal justice to the Florida Supreme Court — That drove the final nail.

The sounds you hear of many hands clapping are those of grassroots Florida Tea Party activists, pleased at the prospect of Crist’s long but undistinguished political career coming to an end. Not to mention the prospect of a young, energetic, intelligent conservative representing Florida in the U.S. Senate instead of the Arlen Specter wannabe Crist has become.

Growing in office instead of hold to the Constitution and your values and principles is proving deadly for Crist. I remember in January he was running ads maybe hourly, trying to prop up his Conservative bona fides with lies. Lies aren’t values, they show character. The Internet is changing politics in ways never envisioned by the political elites.

Rasmussen Reports.