Watchdogs Or Lapdogs ?

Hah, the propaganda sheets, the ones who reprint the DNC talking points, now want the Democrats to bail them out, somehow, someway. Just maybe if they were really fair balanced, they could actually see the culture of corruption the Obama thugocracy and the Democrats in Congress has brought to America — And in fact write stories about it, and put it out on TV.

But no, they seem preoccupied with Obama boot licking. Maybe that’s the real problem here. Hoping in bed with one political party, maybe that’s where your business got it’s fleas. The reason the business model has shifted, is people went elsewhere for news, fair news. It’s odd the WSJ is doing fine as people must see real value there. Something sadly lacking from a $5 copy of the Sunday New York Times.

What sealed the newspapers fate was when the local grocery and department stores put their ads on-line. End of story.

Newspaper advocates address Senate on struggles industry faces

With newspapers battered by recession and an online revolution, senators heard bleak assessments Wednesday of a future with much less watchdog journalism.

Watchdog journalism, the funniest two words in the whole story.

It’s interesting to note, the newspapers were crashing well before the recession began in Q3 2008. And of course, it’s so unfair, all those nasty search engines … So how else would people divine the truth from the DNC talking points memos.

Newspaper advocates complained that Google and other news aggregators have unfairly – even “parasitically” – hoarded revenue that publishers deserve and need. Lawmakers wrestled with how and whether government should step in.

“Today, newspapers look like an endangered species,” said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., noting double-digit circulation drops over just six months at papers from Boston to San Francisco. Kerry, chairing a Commerce subcommittee hearing, called it vital to “preserve the core societal function that is served by an independent and diverse news media.”

Well maybe the newspapers should take time off from Obama and DNC cheer leading for socialism and do their jobs as the public watchdog, hey now here is a suggestion. — You know, do things like explain the Constitution, and how what Obama is doing is unconstitutional, things like that, watch dogs. And maybe explain the Supreme Court affirmed the Second Amendment RIGHT of Americans, hard stuff like that.

But just how that might be done remained unclear.

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., pushed the idea of letting newspapers operate as nonprofits, making them eligible for the same tax breaks as churches and charities; he is worried about the fate of The Sun in Baltimore, whose owner, Tribune Corp., is in bankruptcy.

“We need to save our community newspapers and the investigative journalism they provide,” he said.

Hey lapdogs, point out one investigative journalism story that was negative for Obama and his comedy team? Go ahead, make my day, show the story you broke. And how about that vetting, you get copies of the Obama birth certificate yet? Why is Obama spending millions on preventing it being shown, while it would take a mere $12 and a phone call to produce it for all to see.

Great job vetting the Obammunist, it’s what watchdogs are for, right?

Nothing prevents any newspaper or news organization from becoming a nonprofit, non-political organization right now. Just file the paper work. I think the non-political might be a huge problem for the cheerleaders of socialism though. The right is learning how to file suits.

Whatever happens, a bailout of any form, will insure them a never listened to, never read, slot in the media archives, just like NPR.

Today’s “watchdog journalism — Indeed, it’s oxymoronic…along the lines of “UN peacekeeper” and “liberal intellectual.”

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