And Now We Present Amozongate

Seems like they really needed to turn up the heat at the UN’s Hoaxenhagen affair in December, what easier way to do that than to do some inserts on various elements of the AR-4 report to spice things up for the deciders.

Without further ado, I present — More mistakes from those wacky experts at the UN IPCC climate change panel …  ‘Amazongate’ now has Pachauri cornered.

The short list of mistakes in the UN IPCC AR-4 report — After climategate and then a glaciergate and then hurricanegate and then sealevelgate and now an Amazongate. British media reports on errors made by R K Pachauri’s IPCC on the Amazon forests. An article in Britian’s daily ‘Telegraph‘ has made another damning case against Pachauri’s IPCC for the effects of climate change on the Amazon.

Here’s the latest development, courtesy of Dr Richard North – and it’s a cracker. It seems that, not content with having lied to us about shrinking glaciers, increasing hurricanes, and rising sea levels, the IPCC’s latest assessment report also told us a complete load of porkies about the danger posed by climate change to the Amazon rainforest.

Yes it was the very same WWF activist lefties who did the research. The report suggests the IPCC did not research the claims themselves. The UN IPCC AR-4 claims were lifted off a report done by the WWF, a left wing advocacy group. Amazongate follows an embarrassing IPCC admission of false predictions.

AGW is toast … Very warm toast.

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