Obama Secretly Shifts Half a Billion Dollars to Feed His ObamaCare Leviathan… And Hopes You Won’t Notice

Imagine if President Bush had done this, the lame-stream media would be yelling about this until they were all hoarse.

Feed the free healthcare dragon, or else.

By: Andrea Ryan

The ugly, massive mouth of ObamaCare has opened and our president is secretly shoveling hundreds of millions of dollars to feed his ravenous beast of a pet.  As usual, he hopes you aren’t paying attention.

In spite of the fact that the unconstitutional healthcare law is currently meeting its fate before the Supreme Court, Obama just moved half a billion dollars from the Dept. of Health and Human Services’ obscene $1 Billion slush fund to the IRS, the agency in charge of implementing the unconstitutional individual mandate.

According to the Independent Journal Review,

In a move to attempt to implement the President’s healthcare law, otherwise known as ‘Obamacare’, $500 million has been shifted around from one federal agency to another. Quietly, half a billion dollars is being moved from the $1 billion implementation fund (or slush fund) that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) oversees, to the Internal Revenue Service.

The IRS will play a key role in implementing the individual mandate and the money being allotted to them is intended to go to develop infrastructure to enforce it. The mandate, of course, is the biggest question in the Supreme Court case currently being heard, and the most controversial.

HHS has made plans to empty the $1 billion dollar fund by September, just months before the Presidential election and more than a year before actual implementation time for the healthcare law. Since the implementation money was put aside as a federal implementation fund, any federal agency can use the money.

Moving closer to implementation isn’t likely to help the President’s chances in the Supreme Court, or in the Presidential election.

The branches of government be damned.  Obama’s not parting with his hideous, vicious beast that has the throat of our liberty in its mouth; because, that’s an inconceivable and unprecedented amount of power for our Marxist president to just give up.


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