Climate Change Rally A Big Bust

Not one person showed up today for the Global Warming Climate Change Rally… A typically bad day for OFA, Obama’s lobby group. The President has a lobby group? I didn’t know that did you?

Zero Attendance for ‘Climate Change’ Rally…

Not a single person shows up… Who wants to hear another hoax speech anyway???

Twitter / kerpen: Where did that go? Event page …

Where did that go? Event page for today’s failed DC OFA rally disappeared. …

Wearing out words

The doomed planet movement has been losing momentum. Inconvenient scientific findings have confirmed the lack of any significant warming of dear old Earth over the past 16 years. It’s hard to scare people into action when nothing bad is happening. That’s why the White House has changed its vocabulary again — first “global warming” was changed to “climate change” — and now the correct name of the scam is “carbon pollution.” It’s a way to paint carbon dioxide as if it were black soot billowing out of industrial smokestacks. Carbon dioxide is actually what humans exhale, and it’s food for plants.

Obama warmists outnumbered 4 to 1 by skeptics at Alabama Congressman’s office |

Aderholt was not present at the demonstration at his Cullman office or a separate one at his office in Gadsden today. He issued at press release that stated “the only climate we should be talking about today is this country’s stalled economics and jobs climate.”

Obama warmists outnumbered 2 to 1 at Ted Cruz office |

OfA’s leftists were badly outnumbered by the Cruz Crew.

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