Dry Up The Citizens Ammo Supply … But Why???

May 6, 2013

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) weighed in on the DHS ammo controversy this weekend.

Inhofe told Aaron Klein that he believes the Obama administration is attempting to “dry up” the ammo market from gun-owning citizens.

World Net Daily reported:

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., says he believes open purchase orders from the Department of Homeland Security to buy over 1 billion rounds of ammunition are part of an “intentional” effort by the Obama administration to “dry up the market” for gun-owning citizens.

“We have in this country the Second Amendment that preserves the right to keep and bear arms,” Inhofe told radio host Aaron Klein, “and the president doesn’t believe in that.”

Inhofe was a guest on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York City’s WABC station, talking about his Ammunition Management for More Obtainability – or AMMO – bill, which is designed to limit non-defense, armed federal agencies to pre-Obama levels of ammunition. The bill, S.843, has been referred to Senate committee, while a similar bill sponsored by Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., has been referred to House committee.

“President Obama has been doing everything he could to stop the private ownership of guns in America,” Inhofe asserted. “Yet he’s been voted down in a big way by a large majority, and so my feeling is that he’s doing this to buy up [ammunition] so honest, law-abiding citizens here in the United States, like my son, can’t even buy ammunition because government is purchasing so much.”

Look up the WWII FP-45 Liberator pistols and how it works. You will see the stupidity in the whole thing right their.


March 18, 2013

Billions of bullets and growing police force not just a right-wing bogeyman

WND writes:

The White House may paint worries over drones in American skies, federal agencies buying up billions of bullets and local police forces arming themselves with military-style equipment as just “bogeyman” issues of the radical right, but an interview on New York City’s WABC Radio reveals even the left is starting to grow worried.

Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, a left-wing “peace and social justice movement” known for its colorful marches and protests, told WABC host Aaron Klein the potential for the Obama administration to abuse its growing domestic police power is “extremely troubling.”

Klein asked Benjamin, author of “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,” if she was concerned that military-style drones now authorized to fly over U.S. skies could be used against American citizens, the same question that prompted U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to filibuster in the Senate earlier this month.

“Very much so,” Benjamin replied. “We see a militarization of the U.S. police forces here in the United States, and it’s a very troubling tendency.”

Furthermore, Benjamin charged she was “upset” that liberal Democrats – who might question and fight the federal government’s growing police powers under a Republican administration – “have been very quiet when this is happening under Obama.”

Klein brought up concerns, such as those reported by WND, that the federal Department of Homeland Security and other non-military federal agencies have opened purchase orders for 1.5 billion or more rounds of ammunition over the last year. The ammo buy has been only one of several indications of a bigger, stronger and more militarized police presence in the U.S.

“Are we leading up to some sort of military-style control in America?” Klein asked.

“I think the potential is there,” Benjamin replied, “and the fact that 10 years after 911 the U.S. is still keeping the American people in the state of fear about terrorism and using that to take billions and billions of our tax dollars to use to set up these kind of facilities and equip our local law-enforcement agencies with military equipment and potentially really be turning us into a society where Big Brother is watching us all the time, I think is extremely troubling.”

Fool Me Twice

August 20, 2012

You =want to know what is comingpour way? Give him one mre term and he will tell you …

A book that purports to document President Obama’s specific, second-term plans is skyrocketing on Amazon, reaching the No. 1 position in all categories yesterday and dominating the top 25 rankings on the popular bookseller’s Web site.

“Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed” debuted on the New York Times bestseller list over the weekend. While many have general concerns about Obama’s second-term ambitions, Fool Me Twice lays bare the devastating details of a second Obama presidency. If he wins re-election in 2012, the America of equal opportunity for all, Constitutionally-limited government, economic freedom and personal liberty will be but a distant memory.

Amazon has the book in stock here.

Do you need a book to tell us??? Just think what Obama with no restrictions, no laws will likely do to you??? Let your mind run a while and see what you can figure out.

I wonder what Putin knows that he is keeping quite about it.

Best not to read at bedtime.


January 16, 2012

A report that Iran is about a year away from having the capability to build a nuclear bomb may be too optimistic, contended John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

“I worry the publicly available information is giving only a very small picture and that Iran is actually even much further along,” Bolton said today in a radio interview.

Bolton was on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s WABC Radio. The former ambassador was asked about a statement from a former head of U.N. nuclear inspections claiming Iran is now just a year or so away from having enough enriched uranium to assemble a nuclear bomb.

Olli Heinonen wrote in an article published earlier this week that Iran made this advancement after switching production of its higher-grade enriched uranium to a new, underground site.

Reacting to the one-year timeline, Bolton stated, “I think it can be even less than that.”

The interview can be listened to at the Klein Online website.

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