Awww, Sorry

August 27, 2012

Well one of the things the Democrats were hoping for, Katrina part 2.

Nope …

New Orleans officials announced Monday that they’ve decided not to call for mandatory evacuations in the city ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac‘s landfall,  but evacuations have been ordered for many residents in surrounding parishes, particularly those outside protective levees.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu had said that a mandatory evacuationwould not be ordered unless the storm was expected to become a Category 3 hurricane. On Monday afternoon, withforecasts still predicting a Category 1 storm, or possibly a Category 2, he announced that no mandatory evacuation would be ordered.

“There is a point beyond which a mandatory evacuation would not be possible. I believe we’re at that point,” Landrieu said at an afternoon briefing with Gov. Bobby Jindal and a handful of local parish presidents. He added: “We are not expecting a Katrina-like event with breaking the levees.”