What 400 ppm Of CO2 In The Atmosphere Looks Like

May 13, 2013

The great FUD Snoozer … CO2’s infrared heat trapping ability is logarithmic, as your high school physics class should have taught you, but probably didn’t. There is a simple lab experiment that proves that. All the infrared heat that can be trapped was trapped long ago. THe earth has seen decades of more CO2 than today’s rates and the trees and plants loved it. THey grew big and strong, as CO2 in the atmosphere is best known as plant food. Many scientists think todays rate may be too low for plants.

The results are in, and it looks like this……


In case you missed the front page stories all the big newspapers have the lies on the front page yesterday … In 1975 they were all concerned about the coming ICE age. If you missed the stories about how the lies were constructed, read this site … Climategate. There is a chronology here. The emails proved it was all a big lie and how the data was fudged to try and make it all look real.