The Plants Did it

September 27, 2013

CO2 goes missing …::: Plants suck half the CO2 out of the air around them before lunchtime each day

CO2 is the very stuff of life on earth every day. No CO2, no nothing. All life on earth will cease to exist. All of it, all life. Plants animals, insects.

Depserate Times For Climate Alarmists, And Other Hoaxers

September 27, 2013

Today’s the big day when the UN IPCC must announce how they expect to hide the bad news from themselves.

Read the rest of this entry »

Advertising NONSENSE

September 6, 2013

Endless NONSENSE — GLOBAL WARMING’S CONSEQUENCES MUST ALL BE BAD, BY DEFINITION …::: Could Global Warming Reduce the Threat Posed by Atlantic Hurricanes?

I seem to recall it was the new world of endless Katrina’s. Wht has happened??? And what do you think the coming ICE AGE will do?

Be prepared.


The Global Warming Hoax Update … No One Is Buying Carbon Offsets

September 4, 2013

UN carbon dioxide hoax credit prices have plunged 97% since 2008

Certified Emission Reduction credits from the program closed unchanged yesterday at 58 euro cents ($0.78) a metric ton, according to data from ICE Futures Europe. They’ve plunged 97 percent since reaching a record high of 22.54 euros a ton in July 2008, as issuance advanced and demand from factories and power stations was crimped by the European Union’s economic recessions.

And why should they, by now doesn’t everyone know the truth?


Climate Change Rally A Big Bust

August 13, 2013

Not one person showed up today for the Global Warming Climate Change Rally… A typically bad day for OFA, Obama’s lobby group. The President has a lobby group? I didn’t know that did you?

Zero Attendance for ‘Climate Change’ Rally…

Not a single person shows up… Who wants to hear another hoax speech anyway???

Twitter / kerpen: Where did that go? Event page …

Where did that go? Event page for today’s failed DC OFA rally disappeared. …

Wearing out words

The doomed planet movement has been losing momentum. Inconvenient scientific findings have confirmed the lack of any significant warming of dear old Earth over the past 16 years. It’s hard to scare people into action when nothing bad is happening. That’s why the White House has changed its vocabulary again — first “global warming” was changed to “climate change” — and now the correct name of the scam is “carbon pollution.” It’s a way to paint carbon dioxide as if it were black soot billowing out of industrial smokestacks. Carbon dioxide is actually what humans exhale, and it’s food for plants.

Obama warmists outnumbered 4 to 1 by skeptics at Alabama Congressman’s office |

Aderholt was not present at the demonstration at his Cullman office or a separate one at his office in Gadsden today. He issued at press release that stated “the only climate we should be talking about today is this country’s stalled economics and jobs climate.”

Obama warmists outnumbered 2 to 1 at Ted Cruz office |

OfA’s leftists were badly outnumbered by the Cruz Crew.

Climate SHOCKER: Rising CO2 is turning the world’s deserts GREEN

July 11, 2013

WOW, this is big news, plants love atmospheric CO2. Who knew?

Far from turning the Earth into a baking lifeless hell as had been portrayed by our masters, elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 are causing the deserts of the world to bloom with new green foliage.

Why do people build actual greenhouses???


In days of old, the CO2 in the atmosphere was about 10X today’s levels. But who cares what real science has to say, we have a hoax to sell to the gullible.

That’s according to new research from government scientists in Australia, who’ve been scanning the planet’s formerly dry and lifeless regions using satellite imagery.

“We found a strong link between the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and a greening that’s been observed across many of the world’s arid environments,” explains Dr Randall Donohue of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia’s national science agency.

According to Donohue and his colleagues’ research, climbing levels of CO2 in the air correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982 to 2010 across arid areas in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa.

CO2 now stands at 400 parts per MILLION in the atmosphere, hardly shocking.

A little refresher course might be worth while, the carbon cycle, plants breath in CO2 and breath out Oxygen, animals breath in oxygen and breath out CO2. It’s called the cycle of life of all living things on earth. Stop CO2 and all life on earth ceases. It doesn’t take a flat earther to figure that out, all it takes is a little common sense, which sadly our president seems to lack. Scientists had long speculated, but you weren’t told, that rising carbon levels would make life easier for the green plants which keep us all alive by the sun-powered process of photosynthesis, in which plants suck CO2 from the air, mix it with water to make sugar for themselves and throw away the oxygen (so permitting us animals to breathe).

Higher CO2 Levels, Mmmm Plants Love It

July 9, 2013

And now there is data to prove it … Many different researchers has said our current atmospheric CO2 levels are low for proper plant growth. It’s an ongoing argument among researchers.

Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2

In findings based on satellite observations, CSIRO, in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU), found that this CO2 fertilisation correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982-2010 across parts of the arid areas studied in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa, according to CSIRO research scientist, Dr Randall Donohue.

What did you think the Dinosaurs did when CO2 was many times today’s values? Mother Earth provided for the Dinosaurs by growing lots of bigger plants which is what the Herbivores thrived on … Back then we had a far greener Earth, without the need to plant more trees.

Eventually we will find another energy source than fossil fuel.

Obama’s Carbon Pollution, Liberal Pure Crapology

June 26, 2013

He is a human after all, I think. And he does breath out Carbon Pollution does he not.

The new made up liberal apology word is “carbon pollution” the stuff of all life on earth. Without CO2 life on earth will cease to exist. Just that simple that even a moron like The Obama should understand that fact.

No atmospheric CO2 no life on earth. How simple is that something even a fifth grader can understand.

You do know what animal(that’s us) respiration is and plants and Aspirate. One breathes in oxygen and breathes out CO2, the other breathes in CO2 and breathes out oxygen. God’s earth, where plants and animals coexist for the benefit of both.

Carbon pollution, something you expect from a turd worlder.

The Man Made Global Warming Fraud – The Biggest Hoax of All Time

June 8, 2013

Awakening to the Truth About the Man Made Global Warming Scam

Some years ago, when the spectre of global warming caused by human CO2 emissions first hit the headlines, I like most people, unquestioningly believed it. I went to see Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth”, and as a result I began to change my lifestyle so as to be more responsible in my use of energy, and to leave a smaller carbon footprint.

I switched off unused appliances and lights so as to use less electricity, turned off the shower when soaping, so as to use less water, changed my car for a smaller, more fuel efficient model, and then later, sold my car completely and used public transport.

In short, I was doing my bit to help the planet. It was not until the idea of carbon credit trading reared its head that I began to feel that something was not right. To me this was a completely lunatic idea. How could anyone buy the right to pollute the planet – and who could sell them that right? When I discovered that not only had Al Gore himself proposed this system, but also stood to make billions of dollars from brokerage fees in the trading of carbon credits, then it smelt very fishy indeed.

Then more scientists began to speak out about the true origins of global warming, and I began to see that there was in fact no proof that human Co2 emissions (carbon emission) have anything to do with global warming. It is a natural, cyclic phenomenon probably caused by the activity of the sun and has been going on for eons.


What 400 ppm Of CO2 In The Atmosphere Looks Like

May 13, 2013

The great FUD Snoozer … CO2’s infrared heat trapping ability is logarithmic, as your high school physics class should have taught you, but probably didn’t. There is a simple lab experiment that proves that. All the infrared heat that can be trapped was trapped long ago. THe earth has seen decades of more CO2 than today’s rates and the trees and plants loved it. THey grew big and strong, as CO2 in the atmosphere is best known as plant food. Many scientists think todays rate may be too low for plants.

The results are in, and it looks like this……


In case you missed the front page stories all the big newspapers have the lies on the front page yesterday … In 1975 they were all concerned about the coming ICE age. If you missed the stories about how the lies were constructed, read this site … Climategate. There is a chronology here. The emails proved it was all a big lie and how the data was fudged to try and make it all look real.