The Global Warming Hoax Update … No One Is Buying Carbon Offsets

September 4, 2013

UN carbon dioxide hoax credit prices have plunged 97% since 2008

Certified Emission Reduction credits from the program closed unchanged yesterday at 58 euro cents ($0.78) a metric ton, according to data from ICE Futures Europe. They’ve plunged 97 percent since reaching a record high of 22.54 euros a ton in July 2008, as issuance advanced and demand from factories and power stations was crimped by the European Union’s economic recessions.

And why should they, by now doesn’t everyone know the truth?


The Man Made Global Warming Fraud – The Biggest Hoax of All Time

June 8, 2013

Awakening to the Truth About the Man Made Global Warming Scam

Some years ago, when the spectre of global warming caused by human CO2 emissions first hit the headlines, I like most people, unquestioningly believed it. I went to see Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth”, and as a result I began to change my lifestyle so as to be more responsible in my use of energy, and to leave a smaller carbon footprint.

I switched off unused appliances and lights so as to use less electricity, turned off the shower when soaping, so as to use less water, changed my car for a smaller, more fuel efficient model, and then later, sold my car completely and used public transport.

In short, I was doing my bit to help the planet. It was not until the idea of carbon credit trading reared its head that I began to feel that something was not right. To me this was a completely lunatic idea. How could anyone buy the right to pollute the planet – and who could sell them that right? When I discovered that not only had Al Gore himself proposed this system, but also stood to make billions of dollars from brokerage fees in the trading of carbon credits, then it smelt very fishy indeed.

Then more scientists began to speak out about the true origins of global warming, and I began to see that there was in fact no proof that human Co2 emissions (carbon emission) have anything to do with global warming. It is a natural, cyclic phenomenon probably caused by the activity of the sun and has been going on for eons.