Blame Circuit

October 1, 2013

Reid refuses to appoint negotiators… Hey he shut it down, so why should he.

Obama: ‘I Shouldn’t Have To Offer Anything’… Well you gave the Iranians back their craapy sculpture. you gave al Qaeda the guns, in syria, you got nothing to offer?

Are the WH chefs ‘essential’? …Just think how much waste fraud and abuse would we cut out, if we reduced government to only essential people. Hmmm.

Depserate Times For Climate Alarmists, And Other Hoaxers

September 27, 2013

Today’s the big day when the UN IPCC must announce how they expect to hide the bad news from themselves.

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Signing Over To The UN Your Constitution …

September 25, 2013

Criminal! John Kerry Signs U.N. Arms Treaty

Secretary of State John Kerry has officially signed the U.N Arms Treaty, many countries have signed the treaty but it will not take effect until 50 nations have ratified it. On March 23, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) introduced an amendment to prohibit the U.S. from entering into such a treaty. The amendment passed the Senate by a vote of 53 to 46.

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The Running Man

September 25, 2013

Does anybody understand how the bald-faced liar of facts is still standing at the UN Conference on Thugs and Dictators?


It worked for the movie, so why not?

Have you ever seen such a disgraceful performance on the world stage, by a supposed US President. Not In my life time.

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How Are Things Going At The Yearly Tyrants And Dictators Club Meeting

September 25, 2013

Our little boi pressy is acting like a dictator should, making flowery sounding meaningless speeches and stuff, to the assembled world dictators … Iran rejects our president’s handshake …

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Peace Gesture From Iran

September 23, 2013

Netanyahu: Nuke Deal With Iran Is Trap…

But don’t worry only half the missles were inscribed with “death to America” …::: Iran parades long-range missiles… 

Rekindles support for Hamas…

Putin Reaches Out … Urges Caution In Syria

September 12, 2013

Recent developments in Syria prompted Russian President Vladimir Putin to “speak directly to the American people and their political leaders.” In order to do that, he reached out to the New York Times to publish an op-ed  “A Plea for Caution From Russia” about the implications of “war and peace” and the consequences of taking military action against Syria.

“Relations between us have passed through different stages,” Putin writes. “We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.”


The Russian leader stressed that Syria is “not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country.”

“There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough [Al] Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government,” he continued. “The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.”

Sounds like he understand better than our Obomba. Who is the cowboy now??? What did you expect from someone who is nothing more than a community agitator.

In the op-ed, titled A Plea for Caution From Russia,” Putin expressed concern that mercenaries from Arab countries and other nations are fighting in Syria and “are an issue of our deep concern.” He speculated that extremists could return to their countries with “experience acquired in Syria,” which “threatens us all.”


September 10, 2013

Shepard Smith brutally assessed the latest in the Syria showdown Tuesday after word that the agreed chemical weapons handover orchestrated by Russia would only work if the U.S. agrees not to use force: “We just got played.”

“The Russians said we have a plan…the U.N. Security Council is about to hold an emergency meeting in one hour, and one hour before that, the Russians went on national television in Russia and said, ‘Oh, by the way, this plan will include the United States and all of its allies foregoing the use of the military in Syria,’” Smith said. “That’s a nonstarter, I think we’ve just wasted 24 solid hours and we’ve not made one bit of progress, not one centimeter of progress. The Russians just blew hard and blew us right off course.”

Indeed …


Obomba Being Played

September 10, 2013

How…unexpected is that???

Russia is making sure that it won’t, even if it could be.

Russia not keen on U.N. Syria resolution: France’s Fabius

Russia is not keen at this stage for a binding U.N. Security Council resolution that would provide a framework to control Syria’s chemical weapons’ stocks, France’s foreign minister said after talks with his Russian counterpart on Tuesday.

“As I understood, the Russians at this stage were not necessarily enthusiastic, and I’m using euphemism, to put all that into the framework of a U.N. binding resolution,” Laurent Fabius told French lawmakers after a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Obama is being played.

They are Russians after all … So now what Obomba??? What are you going to do postpone the speech? Or just mumble some words … Due to a telepromter outage tonoght’s speech will have to be cancelled? Stay tuned to the unwareing tales of our Obomba.

It’s the reults you get when you hitch your wagon to a gaffe.


September 6, 2013

And of course that is the only thing that matters, as even Democrats are heading to the tall grass…::: The Vote On Syria Is Shaping Up To Be A Full-Fledged Disaster For Obama


Not my red line ….

You knew this because I reported this days ago. Russia gives the UN a report on Syrian chemical weapons release.

Who do you believe now???

And days ago I set up the theory that the Saudi’s and several Gulf States support taking out Assad, over a natural gas pipeline.

It’s complicated, but the truth cannot be hidden for long. Which is why you have Obama’s Lamestream Media brass band out their playing it’s We need to strike now cords.

Do he ever tell the truth about anything…:::  Questions of Policy and Leadership Dog Obama Before Meeting in Russia … We are overflowing with the soft bigotry of low expectations. And the Republicans are leading that charge.. The guy is president, regardles if he is from Mars or not, he is still our president. And the racial component of this cannot be denied. What is going on hear is politics not real foreign policy.

Mccain said if Obama put’s boots on the ground that’s Impeachable. “No one wants American boots on the ground,” McCain said, according to a video obtained by CBS News. “Nor will there be American boots on the ground because there would be an impeachment of the president if they did that.”