Dudley Do-Wrong Commits Some Tyrannical Canuckery

June 29, 2013

‘Hell to pay:’ Residents angry as RCMP seize guns from High River homes, ‘It’s just like Nazi Germany,’ says resident.

Officers laid down a spike belt to stop anyone from attempting to drive past the blockade. That action sent the crowd of residents into a rage.

“What’s next? Tear gas?” shouted one resident.

“It’s just like Nazi Germany, just taking orders,” shouted another.

“This is the reason the U.S. has the right to bear arms,” said Charles Timpano, pointing to the group of Mounties.

Officers were ordered to fall back about an hour into the standoff in order to diffuse the situation and listen to residents’ concerns.

“We don’t want our town to turn into another New Orleans,” said resident Jeff Langford. “The longer that the water stays in our houses the worse it’s going to be. We’ll either be bulldozing them or burning them down because we’ve got an incompetent government.”

Police broke into houses and took the guns. Why do liberals everywhere think the same about the people having guns? Ask yourself that question. I think you know the answer…



June 27, 2013


WOW have we changed that much??

Think about all the CO2 from the burning American flags.

And now we play like “they like us”. Or think we are too stupid to know what they really think.

Seccession Movement Explodes

November 14, 2012

White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation.

The Daily Caller writes …

Less than a week after a New Orleans suburbanite petitioned the White House to allow Louisiana to secede from the United States, petitions from seven states have collected enough signatures to trigger a promised review from the Obama administration.

By 6:00 a.m. EST Wednesday, more than 675,000 digital signatures appeared on 69 separate secession petitions covering all 50 states, according to a Daily Caller analysis of requests lodged with the White House’s “We the People” online petition system.

A petition from Vermont, where talk of secession is a regular feature of political life, was the final entry.

Petitions from AlabamaFloridaGeorgiaLouisianaNorth CarolinaTennessee and Texas residents have accrued at least 25,000 signatures, the number the Obama administration says it will reward with a staff review of online proposals.

Read more:

In Case You Didn’t Know

November 11, 2012

Saturday marked the first of what will be three days of Veterans Day commemorations across the United States.

The holiday falls on a Sunday, and the federal observance is on Monday. It’s the first such day honoring the men and women who served in uniform since the last U.S. troops left Iraq in December 2011.

It’s also a chance to thank those who stormed the beaches during World War II – a population that is rapidly shrinking with most of those former troops now in their 80s and 90s.

Empty Chair Speaks … The Incredible Shrinking Man

September 2, 2012

President Kardashin has forgot his record to run on …

What can America expect in the final stretch of the 2012 election cycle? Bill Whittle tells you what you will see and hear from the Romney/Ryan ticket, and from the Obama/Biden ticket. Will we hear an honest debate about the economy, or a dishonest debate about social issues like abortion? Find out.

Communism, the second term of Obama …

The Incredible Shrinking Man.  The man who four years ago commanded arenas of adoring crowds now can’t fill his own nomination-speech venue.  Instead of engaging the political media, Obama now has descended to magazines like People and Glamour.  It’s a strange diminishment of an incumbent President, who should be engaging on the broadest possible stage to diminish his challenger.  Instead, as this weekend’s sudden dash for New Orleans showed, Romney is beginning to successfully diminish Obama:

The editors at IBD join their colleague:

Eastwood highlighted the empty chair and the empty promises and policies that failed to lower both the sea level and the unemployment rate, stuck at more than 8% for 42 months, a post-Depression record. Meanwhile, President Obama jets to college campuses in the carbon-gushing Air Force One to prattle on about student loans to college students who won’t be able to find jobs.

Obama and his administration officials have made 435 taxpayer-funded visits to college campuses or other events targeting students since March 2011. Included have been 164 trips to battleground states, a new study shows, leaving him too busy to meet with his jobs council to find these kids work.

Eastwood’s empty chair reminds us of the poem by William Hughes Mearns that goes in part: “Last night I saw upon the stair, A little man who wasn’t there, He wasn’t there again today, Oh, how I wish he’d go away .. .”

Eastwood suggests that in November we can make our invisible president do just that.

About the only thing that Eastwood needed was to place an empty suit in that empty chair.

As Obama turns into the fear that he was every bit what we thought he was….

Bye Isaac, Don’t Let The Door Hit You …

August 29, 2012

Now that we see what the NHC’s global warming game is, who bothers anymore.

My guess is facts should not get in the way of a good story line.

Now that the rainstorm Isaac has now delivered much needed rain to the Mississippe River … Some good was accomplished.

Seems like no one got hurt so all is well. But the media and the NHC, they just look like the Soviet stooges they are.

We were right in the path, and a nightly thunderstorm had more punch. It barely reached Cat 1, if you believe the NHC.

My guess, Mitt’s going to have his work cut out for him. The government was spinning faster than the alleged hurricane.

No, we bought nothing. Not a lemming.

Awww, Sorry

August 27, 2012

Well one of the things the Democrats were hoping for, Katrina part 2.

Nope …

New Orleans officials announced Monday that they’ve decided not to call for mandatory evacuations in the city ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac‘s landfall,  but evacuations have been ordered for many residents in surrounding parishes, particularly those outside protective levees.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu had said that a mandatory evacuationwould not be ordered unless the storm was expected to become a Category 3 hurricane. On Monday afternoon, withforecasts still predicting a Category 1 storm, or possibly a Category 2, he announced that no mandatory evacuation would be ordered.

“There is a point beyond which a mandatory evacuation would not be possible. I believe we’re at that point,” Landrieu said at an afternoon briefing with Gov. Bobby Jindal and a handful of local parish presidents. He added: “We are not expecting a Katrina-like event with breaking the levees.”

Another One Bites The Dust: Times-Picayune lays off more than 200 employees (Dinosaur Media DeathWatch™)

June 13, 2012

Well maybe they didn’t bite, but nibble. But it’s a good thing when any news source takes it in the shorts. Hey they are just cutting newspaper to three days a week. And for time sensitive stuff, they just ignore? Methinks the old print press is this centuries buggy whip.

NOLA.com reports:

Managers at The Times-Picayune informed more than 200 members of the newspaper staff Tuesday that their last day at the company will be Sept. 30. The Times-Picayune, according to company executives, is shrinking its overall staff – including news, advertising, circulation and other departments – by 32 percent, or 201 employees.

Employees who were not laid off were offered new jobs beginning this fall with Nola Media Group or Advance Central Services Louisiana, two new companies that will oversee news coverage and production and distribution, respectively, for The Times-Picayune and its affiliated website nola.com.

The layoffs come as part of a plan to reduce publication of the daily newspaper to three days a week this fall. When the four publication days are cut, the news operation will shift its focus online to NOLA.com, and both the newspaper and website will be overseen by the newly created Nola Media Group. Ricky Mathews, who will replace Ashton Phelps as the paper’s publisher, will be its president. The decision was made in response to a digital shift in the newspaper industry that makes more digitally focused content-gathering necessary, according to an announcement posted to NOLA.com May 24.

Nola Media Group, which will include news, advertising sales and marketing, will employ 271 individuals, 189 of whom received employment offers on Tuesday. Another 82 positions will be filled before the company launches this fall, 52 of them in the news operation.

ACS, which includes the finance, accounting, production and information technology departments will employ 245 people. Offers were made to 211 people Tuesday for that company, with 34 people yet to be hired.

In The Times-Picayune newsroom, 84 employees — nearly half of the 175 people employed in the newsroom — were notified Tuesday that they will lose their jobs and were offered severance packages.

Yet another “summer of recovery” event. Don’t worry, the private sector is doing fine.

I hope the former employees will be OK. The newspaper business is moving on, to electronic publishing.