Climate SHOCKER: Rising CO2 is turning the world’s deserts GREEN

July 11, 2013

WOW, this is big news, plants love atmospheric CO2. Who knew?

Far from turning the Earth into a baking lifeless hell as had been portrayed by our masters, elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 are causing the deserts of the world to bloom with new green foliage.

Why do people build actual greenhouses???


In days of old, the CO2 in the atmosphere was about 10X today’s levels. But who cares what real science has to say, we have a hoax to sell to the gullible.

That’s according to new research from government scientists in Australia, who’ve been scanning the planet’s formerly dry and lifeless regions using satellite imagery.

“We found a strong link between the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and a greening that’s been observed across many of the world’s arid environments,” explains Dr Randall Donohue of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia’s national science agency.

According to Donohue and his colleagues’ research, climbing levels of CO2 in the air correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982 to 2010 across arid areas in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa.

CO2 now stands at 400 parts per MILLION in the atmosphere, hardly shocking.

A little refresher course might be worth while, the carbon cycle, plants breath in CO2 and breath out Oxygen, animals breath in oxygen and breath out CO2. It’s called the cycle of life of all living things on earth. Stop CO2 and all life on earth ceases. It doesn’t take a flat earther to figure that out, all it takes is a little common sense, which sadly our president seems to lack. Scientists had long speculated, but you weren’t told, that rising carbon levels would make life easier for the green plants which keep us all alive by the sun-powered process of photosynthesis, in which plants suck CO2 from the air, mix it with water to make sugar for themselves and throw away the oxygen (so permitting us animals to breathe).