Egypt Fails, Kerry Sails

August 17, 2013

Things have got to be tense at the U.S. State Department as countries like Egypt and Syria continue to spiral into total chaos. More than 700 people have been reported dead since violent clashes began in Egypt on Wednesday, including at least 64 on Friday, and the department will face several key decisions in the near future that will have far-reaching implications for the United States.

So how does the man who heads the State Department unwind during a stressful time like this? He goes kiteboarding in Nantucket, Mass.

TheBlaze has obtained exclusive photos of Secretary of State John Kerry’s kiteboarding adventure in Nantucket – and at 69-years-old, you have to admit, his kiteboarding skills are pretty impressive. Foreign policy, not so good.


Remember When You Actually Could Believe What Government Said

July 8, 2013

No more … So I don’t know if this is actually true … she is old and has had breast cancer in the past so …

Teresa Heinz Kerry taken to hospital…

Critical condition…

NYT: ‘Appeared to have a seizure of some kind’…

But it is a little suspicious with the Kerry not on his boat debacle that the State Department tried to perpetrate on the America people, then the photos showed up, as Egypt was exploding

What was Hillary taken to the hospital for, sympathy during the Benghazi debacle?

Google chief Eric Schmidt ‘selling $1.5billion in Google shares so he can divorce his wife after lengthy extramarital affair’

February 23, 2012

Eric and Wendy at happier times

He reportedly cheated on his wife with at least three other women.

But now Eric Schmidt’s infidelity could cost him dearly amid claims he is heading for a divorce costing up to $1.5billion – the second most expensive in history.

The Google executive chairman is planning to sell 2.4million of his shares in the company to help pay for his split with wife Wendy.

Schmidt is reportedly looking towards a ‘transition and an amicable separation and settlement’ with the mother of his two children, but needs the extra cash to pay for it.

If it all goes to his wife it would mean Schmidt, the 136th richest man in the world, giving away a quarter of his $6.2 billion fortune to Wendy, to whom he has been married for 13 years.

If the divorce goes through then Schmidt’s property empire would be among the assets up for division including his $20million mansion with four acres of land in Montecito in California he bought from U.S. TV show host Ellen Degeneres in 2007.

The site has landscaped gardens, a tennis court, a swimming pool and spa, a 5,000 square foot main house with four bedrooms and six bathrooms.

Schmidt also has a mansion home in Nantucket in Massachusetts where he and his wife used to spend their summers.

The divorce would also shed a light on the exact nature of Schmidt’s marriage, which has been the subject of speculation for years.

He and his wife reportedly had an open relationship and he has been linked to a string of female journalistic high fliers in the past.

Among them is Marcy Simon, who worked as a producer at WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio, and is now in PR.

Another of his mistresses was former CNBC correspondent Kate Bohner, who he reportedly requested to remove a blog that she had written featuring details of their relationship.

Schmidt’s current girlfriend is Council on Foreign Relations executive Lisa Shields, 46, who he has been seeing for a year-and-a-half.

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