Hah, We Got Those Non-Union Types Good.

August 8, 2012

Non-union pensioners got screwed. By the Obama Admin.

20,000 Delphi employees lost 70% of their pensions, so the unions could get theirs. So you thought Obama told the truth? Obama meant everybody who was in the unions.

So much for testifying before Congress meaning anything.

The non-union workers got screwed. Their pension plans were terminated. Can we get you some food stamps?

It has been readily apparent all along that the GM bailout was a bailout for their union cronies. Every step of the way, even in bankruptcy, the unions were given consideration they were not entitled to, ie. Placing union interests before secured creditors.

And how about them creditors, bond holders? Is it any wonder that the federal government still has $42 Billion of GM debt as the company goes through slow motion failure?

Jarrett ignores questions on terminated non-union Delphi pensions [VIDEO]

I wouldn’t want to answer either.

Personally I will never buy GM Cars again, I did buy Chrysler this time.

Media Fail: Chevy Volt Makes NO Money, Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Per Car

July 17, 2012

Hmm, so tell me, which investment has Obama made, with taxpayer money that has returned actual money to the taxpayets?

We know there are none of the green energy crap companies whihc did nothing but payback contributors and then go bankrupt. Now we find the turth of GM and the waste of money Volt.

The Jurassic Press is missing much in their reporting on the $50 billion bailout of General Motors (GM).  The Press is open channeling for President Barack Obama – allowing him to frame the bailout exactly as he wishes in the 2012 Presidential election.

GM the union health care company that also builds cars.

The President is running in large part on the bailout’s $30+ billion loss, uber-failed “success.”  And the Press is acting as his stenographers.  An epitome of this bailout nightmare mess is the electric absurdity that is the Chevrolet Volt.  The Press is at every turn covering up – rather than covering – the serial failures of President Obama’s signature vehicle.

The Press has failed to mention at least five Volt fires, myopically focusing on the one the Obama Administration hand-selected for attention.

The Press has failed to mention that the Volt fire problem remains unsolved.  Is it the battery?  Is it the charging station?  Is it the charging cable?  All of the above?

GM and the Administration don’t know.  And the Press ain’t breaking their necks trying to find out.

When do you think we will find out the whole truth?

Now Italy

June 12, 2012

Italy is calling a bank Holiday? I’ll have another … Nothing to do with the run on the Italian banks, just need a spontaneous bank holidays. I seem to recall bank holiday’s in the USA, let me think. Oh tes it wa under FDR and the Great Depression.

I wonder if they are the same.

Spain is fixed, RIGHT? Now Italy is broke? hmm maybe the socialist cart is broke, the wheels are falling off right now, but what’s next. There will always be another shoe when you talk about socialism …

Bailouts, good money after bad, that never ends with a good outcome.

When Pubic Workers Aren’t Satisfied: Spain Could Ask For Bank Bailout This Weekend

June 10, 2012

Some press reports say Spain needs and will get a bailout … So it’s coming.

The end result of all these pending European State bankruptcies, that’s the fallout from years of European Socialism, fed mostly by the same mechanisms that are eating at the USA. The free ride at the expense of others must end, and end it is, with a crash.

It’s couched as “bank failure, just like in the USA it was mortgage failure. But in both cases the failure is easy to explain, it was government failure. Government promising money to those who could not repay, be they mortgages or loans for other purposes. The balloon had gotten to big to handle. POP!

Neither European Socialism, nor Obama’s brand of it, works. Reason it out for yourself. Try and figure out if you think Obama’s “candy man in the van” style of government will work? Why do you think the food stamp roles in America has ballooned to unsustainable levels.

But, the Teleprompter run Obama hopes you don’t notice what is really going on … as Margret Thatcher once said about socialism …

“The trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Spain is tapped out. Say wasn’t Spain the “green jobs savior” of Europe.

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Flip-Flop Injun: Warren’s U-Turn

May 25, 2012

Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren appears to have changed her position on President Obama’s 2009 auto bailout, records show, and experts believe national Democrats are to blame.

Warren strongly supported the auto bailout in Obama’s re-election campaign film The Road We’ve Traveled, saying that “blood” would have been on the president’s hands had he not bailed out auto manufacturers GM and Chrysler.

But Warren previously suggested that bankruptcy of auto manufacturers would not matter and that the auto bailout would be a bad idea.

Warren said that companies should build cars people want during a December 2008 roundtable discussion with newly elected members of Congress at the Harvard University Institute of Politics.

Does she drive a Volt? Why not?

“Spending money to prop up markets, at least in my view, is a losers game,” Warren said.

Government cannot be the “softest chump” when it comes to lending money, Warren said. She also criticized the ideas behind Obama’s stimulus package, saying that stimulus in the form of cash to people is mostly spent to pay off debt and not create jobs.

“Warren, as a smart politician, probably knew that the path of least resistance was for her to change her tune,” said elections expert Jay Cost.

“In all likelihood, this is what happened: the pro-bailout position is what the Dem establishment has indicated it supports; Warren wants to tap into its money and resources, so she flipped with little to no arm-twisting,” Cost said.

A February 2012 Gallup poll showed that 63 percent of Democrats continue to support the auto bailout, while only 44 percent of registered voters approve.

Notice what Democrats do when they get in heap big trouble, they lie. She will change back, right after the election. And as long as voters put up with this crap, this is what they get, and deserve.

The UAW received an ownership stake in Chrysler and became one of General Motors’ largest shareholders as a result of the auto bailout.

Obama’s bailout of Detroit automakers GM and Chrysler cost taxpayers $81.8 billion in addition to “many other costs,” according to the Wall Street Journal. And we get the Volt.

Greece, Man Down

May 11, 2012

What happens when you let liberals run your country?

Last Sunday in the Greek election, the two main parties saw their support collapse, with seats going to a wide variety of parties, many of whom are opposed to the bailouts and even Eurozone membership. The Commies and Nazis were the big election winners.

Since that day, the parties have desperately tried to form a coalition government, but they have been unable to cobble together a combination.

A failure to form a government would mean brand new elections next month. It looks like that’s going to happen.

The latest headlines from Greece suggest that the various parties still can’t come up with anything and that there will be elections in June… probably June 17.

This sets up Greece for the mother of all games of chicken, as it’s likely that the anti-bailout, left-wing SYRIZAT party will be the big winner. They say they’ll refuse to go along with the current austerity position, leaving the rest of the Eurozone in a bind whereby they either renegotiate, or let a member (perhaps) leave the currency, opening up a box of worms.

Yesterday, there was a glimmer of hope that this outcome could be avoided, and the Athens stock market soared. Today it’s getting hammered again, losing 3%.