Huge Cocaine Haul Seized In Paris

September 22, 2013

Police at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport have seized 1.3 tonnes of pure cocaine on board an Air France flight from Venezuela, French officials say.

The drugs were found packed inside 30 suitcases on 11 September, but the operation was revealed on Saturday.

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Bye, Bye Cowboy Bush

July 5, 2013


France’s top security official publicly dressed down the United States at the American ambassador’s July 4 garden party, denouncing alleged U.S. “espionage” of France and other countries, while the European Parliament voted to open an investigation.

Interior Minister Manuel Valls was guest of honor at the fete hosted by Ambassador Charles Rivkin Thursday. In a speech before hundreds of guests, he said that “in the name of our friendship, we owe each other honesty. We must say things clearly, directly, frankly.”

He said that President Francois Hollande’s demand for clear and precise explanations about reports of U.S. spying are justified because “such practices, if proven, do not have their place between allies and partners.”

Good thing we got rid of that dumb cowboy Bush. The Euros were always complaining about stuff he did. Right?


France’s 2nd intifada: Muslim Youth

August 14, 2012

Hey did you know, France which recently elected their new communist leader, has a Muslim problem? No you thought that was all done when The One was elected …

The French won’t call the Muslims, Muslim. It’s how the French Press hides it from the public.

Muslim youth were on a rampage last night, firing on cops, pulling people from their cars before torching them, burning buildings and schools.

The enemedia goes into high spin control on this, calling Muslims firing on policemen in France “clashes”  and handwringing about the “agonized debate over the state of the grim housing estates that ring many French cities and the integration of millions of poor whites, blacks and North African immigrants into mainstream society.” “Youths” is code for Muslim in France, “Asian” is code for Muslim in the UK, “immigrant” is code for Muslims in Denmark etc.

Is this the second French intifada with a repeat of the thousands of car burnings nightly? And is firing at cops the new punk jihad?

Share the wealth, or we will take the ashes?

Reuters reports:

Youths fired buckshot at police in clashes in the French city of Amiens overnight on Tuesday, torching cars and a nursery school in a resurgence of urban unrest that President Francois Hollande said he would do everything to confront.

Hollande dispatched his Interior Minister Manuel Valls to the northern city, where two nights of violence were apparently sparked by tension over spot police checks on residents.

Officials said 16 police officers were hurt in the disturbances, some struck by buckshot others hit by a hail of missiles thrown by around 100 youths who gathered in northern districts of Amiens.

One officer was in a serious condition, the city’s Socialist Mayor Gilles Demailly told Reuters.

It’s points out the problems you have when your population looks like the Balkans.