NSA Spys

October 18, 2013


New European rules aimed at curbing questionable transfers of data from EU countries to the US are being finalised in Brussels in the first concrete reaction to the Edward Snowden disclosures on US and British mass surveillance of digital communications.

Regulations on European data protection standards are expected to pass the European parliament committee stage on Monday after the various political groupings agreed on a new compromise draft following two years of gridlock on the issue.

How cool is that, Europe takes the lead … Where the US COnstitution dares not walk.


Global Warming Hoax Is Costing You

September 10, 2013

If you examine the total cost of production in tonnes of CO2 produced, ethanol comes out as the biggest loser out there, So why are we doing it?

And things you probably don’t know it…::: EU Ethanol Fuels Boondoggle Raising Global Food Prices.

“Getting rid of biofuel programs would cut Europe’s food costs in half by 2020, and lower global food prices by 15 percent.”

Hey it’s not just me, now the …::: UN has joined Biofuels ‘crime against humanity’:

A United Nations expert has condemned the growing use of crops to produce biofuels as a replacement for petrol as a crime against humanity.

Bye, Bye Cowboy Bush

July 5, 2013


France’s top security official publicly dressed down the United States at the American ambassador’s July 4 garden party, denouncing alleged U.S. “espionage” of France and other countries, while the European Parliament voted to open an investigation.

Interior Minister Manuel Valls was guest of honor at the fete hosted by Ambassador Charles Rivkin Thursday. In a speech before hundreds of guests, he said that “in the name of our friendship, we owe each other honesty. We must say things clearly, directly, frankly.”

He said that President Francois Hollande’s demand for clear and precise explanations about reports of U.S. spying are justified because “such practices, if proven, do not have their place between allies and partners.”

Good thing we got rid of that dumb cowboy Bush. The Euros were always complaining about stuff he did. Right?


Carbon Tax: Europe is Becoming a Green-energy Basket Case

April 23, 2013

All the failed green energy projects are failing, too expensive. Other than the FACT that global warming is a proved myth, made up to scam the public out of paying more in taxes. Is it any reason the carbon market has collapsed? It was a stupid idea on it’s face, just designed to make energy more expensive for everyone.

The WP editorial cautions the USA:

FOR YEARS, European leaders have flaunted their unwavering commitment to fighting climate change — and chastised the United States for lagging behind. But last week brought yet more confirmation that the continent has become a green-energy basket case. Instead of a model for the world to emulate, Europe has become a model of what not to do.

The centerpiece of the European Union’s climate plan — indeed, the only major climate policy that acts across all member countries — is a slowly declining continent-wide cap on emissions. By allowing companies to buy, sell and bank permits to pollute under that cap, the program puts a price on European carbon dioxide emissions. Designed properly, the scheme should encourage companies and consumers to reduce the carbon-intensity of the goods they purchase and invest in cleaner alternatives.

But the Europeans didn’t design the policy properly. For a variety of reasons that E.U. officials should have anticipated, the market for carbon permits has all but collapsed. And in a Tuesday vote, the European Parliament rejected a slapdash rescue plan.

Now that EU’s carbon credit market has collapsed it’s plain to see the stupidity of it now.

Nigel Farage: “This EU is the New Communism. It is Power without Limits.”

April 23, 2013

As euro zone leaders continue to wrestle with the idea of the EU being plunged into total economic ruin, Nigel Farage above all others has protested loudly against the 27-state union’s easy money policies and its desire to consolidate power into the hands of the few.

“This European Union is the new communism. It is power without limits. It is creating a tide of human misery and the sooner it is swept away the better,” he added:

The future awaits, and it looks a lot like the past failures, just with pretty speeches this time.

ECB Plan Said To Pledge Unlimited, Sterilized Bond-Buying

September 5, 2012

European Central Bank President Mario Dragahi’s bond-buying proposal involves unlimited purchases of government debt that will be sterilized to assuage concerns about printing money, two central bank officials briefed on the plan said.

Under the blueprint, which may be called “Monetary Outright Transactions,” the ECB would refrain from setting a public cap on yields, according to the people, and a third official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The plan will only focus on government bonds rather than a broader range of assets and will target short-dated maturities of up to about three years, two of the people said.

The euro jumped half a cent on the report to $1.2596 and European stocks advanced. An ECB spokesman referred to an Aug. 20 statement in which the Frankfurt-based central bank said it was misleading to report on decisions that haven’t been taken yet.

Draghi told the European Parliament this week that the ECB needs to intervene in bond markets to wrest back control of, interest rates in the fragmented euro-area economy and ensure the survival of the common currency. Policy makers will start deliberating on the plan later today and Draghi will announce whether it has been agreed to at a press conference tomorrow.

Bundesbank Opposition

The officials said policy makers are likely to adopt the proposal, with Germany’s  Bundesbank remaining the sole objector. At the same time, one said Draghi’s relationship with Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann remains relaxed, and the two men only disagree on whether risks inherent in the bond plan are likely to materialize.

To sterilize the bond purchases, the ECB will remove from the system elsewhere the same amount of money it spends, ensuring the program has a neutral impact on the  money supply …

Inflation is coming, the ECB is playing with fire ….

Farage: We face the prospect of mass civil unrest, even revolution

May 10, 2012

Rebirth of 1932 … As the Communists and NAZIs make a comeback in Greek elections. Which had about 10% of their entire population murdered in WWII.

Click the link for a transcript