The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation

September 28, 2013

Time to pull up a comfy chair and get educated … The way the government schools won’t do.

I wonder why that is?

The gold standard … Answers a lot of questions ….. You cannot print gold.

Free government cheese. Otherwise know as the owners of tomorrow’s debt.

Slaves, Dummies. Throughout the history of man it’s been the same siren song of despotic dictators.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither … Ben Franklin.

Freedom Raises It’s Ugly Head In The Strangest Places

September 16, 2013

Freedom from regulation…::: Texas Food Deregulation Helps the Little Guy.

“In recent years, Texas has improved the regulatory climate for craft beer, small home food entrepreneurs, and farmers markets in the state.”

Ready To Transmit

September 13, 2013

Ready with the popcorn? Time to transmit Vladimir #PutinsFavoriteFlicks

…oh boy this should be fun … Weee and first off we have …

Put down Obomba’s football…



Now let’s play!!!

I think we need a more experienced players.

Global Warming Hoax Is Costing You

September 10, 2013

If you examine the total cost of production in tonnes of CO2 produced, ethanol comes out as the biggest loser out there, So why are we doing it?

And things you probably don’t know it…::: EU Ethanol Fuels Boondoggle Raising Global Food Prices.

“Getting rid of biofuel programs would cut Europe’s food costs in half by 2020, and lower global food prices by 15 percent.”

Hey it’s not just me, now the …::: UN has joined Biofuels ‘crime against humanity’:

A United Nations expert has condemned the growing use of crops to produce biofuels as a replacement for petrol as a crime against humanity.

Talking Points Are A Trap

July 11, 2013



That looks familiar, I think it’s the BIG ears.


What image is that?


Tornado? No Tea Party


UK — 25% Borrow Money To Buy Food

May 5, 2013

It doesn’t sound good when 20% of your people have to borrow money to BUY FOOD.

While GBP jumped and the world celebrated the UK’s recent avoidance (for now) of a triple-dip recession (defined on GDP as opposed to reality), the situation in the island nation appears to be going from bad to worse. As Carney takes over the reigns of this once mighty nation he faces a country deeply divided.

The BBC reports:

As the BBC reports, while London real estate prices smash old records, stunning one-in-five households borrowed money or used savings to cover the costs of food in April. This is the equivalent of five million households unable to fund their food via income alone. Over 80% of these people are concerned about rising food prices (just as print-meister Carney is about to go ‘Abe’ on them) and almost 60% find it difficult to cope on their current incomes. The director of the consumer group ‘Which?’, noted that “many households are stretched to their financial breaking point,” as “families face a cost of living crisis.” While equity and real estate prices hit all-time highs, the opposition sums up the country’s feeling, “this incompetent government needs to wake up to the human cost of their failed economic policies.”

Among the group who used savings or credit to pay for food:

  • Eight out of 10 (82%) worried about food prices
  • More than half (55%) said they were likely to cut back on food spending in the next few months
  • Nearly six out of 10 (57%) said they found it difficult to cope on their current income
  • A third (32%) borrowed money from friends and family in April

MIKE BLOOMBERG Hardest Hit … Nanny State Takes Gut Punch

April 29, 2013

Denmark Repeals Fat, Beer & Soda Taxes.

“Ultimately, the taxes simply drove up food prices and put jobs in jeopardy.”

People can eat what they want.


Obama Admin Tasks Food Stamp Recruiters With Enrolling Minimum Of 150 Seniors A Month…

April 25, 2013

Maybe this is why we have so much fraud.

Hmmm, now why would Obama want people on public assistance?


A good recruiter needs to be liked, so Dillie Nerios filled gift bags with dog toys for the dog people and cat food for the cat people. She packed crates of cookies, croissants, vegetables and fresh fruit. She curled her hair and painted her nails fluorescent pink. “A happy, it’s-all-good look,” she said, checking her reflection in the rearview mirror. Then she drove along the Florida coast to sign people up for food stamps.

Her destination on a recent morning was a 55-and-over community in central Florida, where single-wide trailers surround a parched golf course. On the drive, Nerios, 56, reviewed techniques she had learned for connecting with some of Florida’s most desperate senior citizens during two years on the job. Touch a shoulder. Hold eye contact. Listen for as long as it takes. “Some seniors haven’t had anyone to talk to in some time,” one of the state-issued training manuals reads. “Make each person feel like the only one who matters.”

In fact, it is Nerios’s job to enroll at least 150 seniors for food stamps each month, a quota she usually exceeds. Alleviate hunger, lessen poverty: These are the primary goals of her work. But the job also has a second and more controversial purpose for cash-strapped Florida, where increasing food-stamp enrollment has become a means of economic growth, bringing almost $6 billion each year into the state. The money helps to sustain communities, grocery stores and food producers. It also adds to rising federal entitlement spending and the U.S. debt.

Nerios prefers to think of her job in more simple terms: “Help is available,” she tells hundreds of seniors each week. “You deserve it. So, yes or no?”

In Florida and everywhere else, the answer in 2013 is almost always yes. A record 47 million Americans now rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, available for people with annual incomes below about $15,000. The program grew during the economic collapse because 10 million more Americans dropped into poverty. It has continued to expand four years into the recovery because state governments and their partner organizations have become active promoters, creating official “SNAP outreach plans” and hiring hundreds of recruiters like Nerios.

Keep reading…

Unseemly — But is Anybody surprised

April 16, 2013

LOOKING BACK AT pundits’ unseemly haste to blame the Tea Party for terrorism.

It’s no longer valid to call them News reporters. Agitators will do.

CO2 Can Do Anything: Carbon To Blame for Oversized Blue Crabs

April 8, 2013

CO2 — Can do anything, we say it can do. They sure are big. Seafood lovers unite.


The use of genetic engineering or steroid enhancements to enlarge certain food products has been popular but highly controversial in the history of the food industry. Based on new research, it seems like certain animals, such as the blue crabs, have found another way of growing that does not require a lab setting. According to research, the side effects of pollution, particularly the emission of carbon dioxide, can lead to oversized blue crabs. Researchers found a link between the growing size of these crustaceans and the growing rate of carbon found in the waters. Although these crabs are growing bigger and faster without the help of scientists, this trend might not be safe for the marine environment.

Hmmm. They seem a little unclear on the giant crab mechanism:

Although carbon dioxide is emitted into the air, it dissolves into the water and saturates the oceans with carbon, which can change how these marine ecosystems work. Saturated waters become acidic, which is detrimental for certain marine animals, such as oysters and corals. These living creatures have calcium carbonate shells, which forms at a much slower rate when the waters become acidic, even if it is only by a small amount. Meanwhile, other creatures, particularly the blue crabs, thrive on the carbon in the water.

“Higher levels of carbon in the ocean are causing oysters to grow slower, and their predators – such as blue crabs – to grow faster,” said marine geologist, Justin Baker Ries from the University of North Carolina.

Full story here