Q3 Earnings Warnings Second-Worst Since 2001

October 1, 2013

And here comes the QE3 with their warnings, as our economy is in total collapse. This time it is companies issuing their own warnings… And the Fed keeps printing away…

US companies are warning about Q3 earnings at the second highest level since 2001, with estimates well below what they were just three short months ago. Of course, the US equity markets don’t care – having rallied aggressively in the face of this collapse; lubricated by multiple-expanding QE and rev. repo.

As Reuters reports, companies issuing negative outlooks outnumber positive ones by 5.2-to-1, the most negative since the 6.3-to-1 ratio in the second quarter, when however the “second half recovery” (which has been once again indefinitely delayed, perhaps to the third half?) was said would take place momentarily and lead to another mythical rebound. Industrials, Materials, and Tech top the list for negative pre-announcements.

Where Is The Battery???

September 19, 2013

And what do they know that they won’t tell anybody…::: Feds exit FISKER at massive loss…

No battery … nothing on the horizon.

The bust goes on … Dod you ever think this just isn’t viable.

And now oil and gas is everywhere, who wants to buy a turkey … Just look at the EIA reports …

Another Obomba Record

September 17, 2013

Gas prices set record: 1,000 days above $3 a gallon… And he doesn’t care … it’s hurts the little people not him and his life style.

Who coming tonight Moochelle.

Why do you think the economy is so down in the dumps.

BOOM: North Dakota sets oil, gas production highs…

Where unemployment is around 3%.


Global Warming Hoax Is Costing You

September 10, 2013

If you examine the total cost of production in tonnes of CO2 produced, ethanol comes out as the biggest loser out there, So why are we doing it?

And things you probably don’t know it…::: EU Ethanol Fuels Boondoggle Raising Global Food Prices.

“Getting rid of biofuel programs would cut Europe’s food costs in half by 2020, and lower global food prices by 15 percent.”

Hey it’s not just me, now the …::: UN has joined Biofuels ‘crime against humanity’:

A United Nations expert has condemned the growing use of crops to produce biofuels as a replacement for petrol as a crime against humanity.

Have You Heard Of This?

August 25, 2013

Would you buy one of these ::: Google Designing Its Own Self-Driving Car, Considers ‘Robo Taxi’

It might be hard to figure out who is at fault after the accident!

What about robo taxi hits super-storm Sandy.

Can anybody drive(ride), how about age limits on who can ride in one?

Drunk driving when in one?

Cheap Electricty : Making Progress

August 21, 2013

Depends on how you call progress: A Nuclear Reactor Competitive with Natural Gas: General Atomics has applied for DOE funds to commercialize a nuclear reactor that could lower electricity costs by 40 percent.

While long, the article is worth the read …


August 10, 2013

Slowly but gradually, Europe is awakening to a green energy crisis, an economic and political debacle that is entirely self-inflicted.

Green dreams are failing … As country after country abandons, curtails or reneges on once-generous support for renewable energy, Europe is beginning to realise that its green energy strategy is dying on the vine. Green dreams are giving way to hard economic realities.

So tell me how is Obama going to get along all alone???

It’s all a hoax, as anybody proficient in physics can tell you. Energy does not sustain itself. Once you burn the tree the ashes do no burn again.

Our Energy Police State

August 9, 2013

Thank the Department of Energy’s (DOE) “energy police” once again for limiting our consumer choices. This time, the DOE’s regulators are preparing to add computers and computer monitors to the checklist of controlled energy appliances. Past

DOE appliance regulations have resulted in higher costs and less competitive products. If the DOE finalizes these proposed regulations, computers will be no different. Americans should be concerned with these new standards, because they restrict their choices of the best computers and computer screens.

Everybody should be concerned.

Has anybody bought one of those low water use dishwashers lately? Then you know.

Yes I have One OF These

August 6, 2013

It’s called “radar adaptive cruise control”, it’s a 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee which is just a cheep Mercedes ML in disguise. Had it for near two years … It’s great. Jeep and Mercedes blended their technology contributions long before Chrysler went bust. What did Mercedes want the 4 wheel drive technology and suspension that jeep had, what did Jeep want the body structure and technology that Mercedes had.

So the two companies traded. And what emerged was the new Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is nothing like the decades older version and is completely modern. The dash even has iPhone technology which talks to you when your phone is in the car.

So to the point comes Radar Adaptive Cruise Control. Well it already saved me from a crash when another car darted out in front of me and without touching the brakes the car computers did all the work, slowed the car even before I could react, and prevented a crash. It works best when cruising the freeway, where cars speed up and slow down, and detecting those subtle speed changes can be taxing.

The robot car was born, not really autonomous driving but a start.

The radar adaptive cruise control, and it’s amazingly good … makes me feel like autonomous cars are closer than I thought, though there are many bugs to iron out before we get that far.

Wired has this story : The Ethics of Saving Lives With Autonomous Cars Are Far Murkier Than You Think

Autonomous driving … It’s all far closer to reality than you might think.


And Of Course We Can Always Try A Little Global Warming Hoaxing

August 5, 2013


Name calling, the last refuge of a scoundrel… It doesn’t have to make sense, just impose it on people.

HOW ABOUT WE BLOW BILLIONS OF MEANINGLESS GESTURE GREEN COMPANIES, which anyone with a ten dollar calculator would tell you it won’t work. Why do you think they put solar cells on satellites. Not cause they want to. So why don’t you use solar cells on your little “Jetson Car”? Remember those?

I can’t believe it they actually thought that was real …

Energy is not renewable, once you burn the log you must grow another one, you cannot reuse the ashes. It’s the laws of physics, you fool. Batteries store energy that something else generates like power plants. That does not make the energy renewable.