Going Down …

October 30, 2013

Is it any wonder??? … Obama approval at all-time low

Did he mention his new regulations, which ,made your plans illegal??? Obama blames ‘bad apple insurers’ for canceled health plans…
‘Just shop around’…
Heckled during speech…

When Government Says Trust US … RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN

October 30, 2013

FBI seized Lavabit secure email keys, wrecked business, told owner to trust government

What legal ground did they have? Who needs laws? Who needs the Constitution? Think ….

Mission I Know Nuttin’

October 30, 2013

So you telling me the building was acting on it’s own???

White House OKd spying on allies: U.S. intelligence officials say NSA and other U.S. intelligence agency staff members are said to be angry at President Obama for denying knowledge of the spying.

Wait, before the tape self-destructed, it didn’t say that the President would disavow all knowledge of the mission?

Tell me, exactly who is the president.

NSA Spys: I Don’t Know Nuttin Pressy

October 30, 2013

The Guardian last week reported that the US had spied on 35 world leaders, including Angela Merkel.

Now this…

NSA and intelligence officials say the White House signed off on surveillance targeting friendly world leaders.
The LA Times reported:

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Obama Didn’t Know???

October 28, 2013

Yeah right …

The Humiliation Is Complete: China Complains NSA Phone Taps “Violate Leaders’ Privacy”

While the “indignation” by America’s allies will come and go, the punchline in the overnight response to NSA’s ongoing reputational hammering came not from Europe, but from China.


Because when even China makes fun of your spying practices, it’s probably time to call it a ballgame.

And how about spying on the American people, IRS and the Tea Party. Does anybody know what it is that Obama might know except PARTY?

And what happens to the missing Obamacare girl, she was disappeared from the official website … You remember the girl right behind Obama at the Sham WOW Obamacare rollout? Was she the last Weiner girl?

Why Of Course

October 28, 2013

Spending too much time on the party circuit … And not enough time doing the job you were hired for?


Since NSA spying blows up into an International scandal, why not just try these LIES … The spys now says,  NSA: HE DIDN’T KNOW!

Yeah sure …. So now we are supposed to believe this Jive Talkin …. Who me? At what point do we say, yeah YOU?


NSA Spys Grounded …

October 26, 2013

Just too funny, like all things government …

The website for the United States National Security Agency suddenly went offline Friday.

NSA.gov has been unavailable globally as of late Friday afternoon, and Twitter accounts belonging to people loosely affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivism movement have suggested they are responsible.


How Not To Do This Spy Thing

October 25, 2013

Report: USA Spied on 35 World Leaders

The Hill reported:

The NSA spied on 35 world leaders and encouraged the State and Defense departments to turn over their “rolodexes” of contacts to help its monitoring efforts, The Guardian reported on Thursday.

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NSA Spys

October 25, 2013

NATIONS TURN TO UN To Stop US Spys … The effort follows a German claim that the American spy agency may have tapped the private telephone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and dozens of other world leaders. It also comes about one month after Brazilian leader Dilma Rousseff denounced NSA espionage against her country as “a breach of international law” in a General Assembly speech and proposed that the U.N. establish legal guidelines to prevent “cyberspace from being used as a weapon of war.”


Phone Home

October 22, 2013

I suspect this won’t do it … Verizon and NSA Spys, pretty good at that, websites, databases not so good. HHS brings in Verizon to help HealthCare.gov

It’s obvious someone does not know what they are doing … Talk, talk cheaper talk.

How about a database and server expert? Dummies.

Did you know he hired the same cronies that Canada fired in 2011 for screwing up their healthcare  system. Crony capitalism is not the answer.