Partician Face

September 15, 2013

The Washington Post Covers only the important stories …:::“Kerry, 69, is no stranger to speculation about his classic patrician face.”

Your turn …


How Is The Game Going

September 13, 2013

Yep I am a miserable failure at playing Commander in Chief. Do you remember the days gone by, when leaders of the old Soviet Union used to, after every one of our elections try to take the measure of the incoming USA President. Just to check him out and calibrate.

WH: Putin ‘owns’ Syria strategy…

Obama pays high price…

It’s not a game, give me a break. Obomba is being played like a fiddle by Putin, and neither he nor Kerry can seem to figure that out. Is Russia any different from the old Soviet Union without their puppet satellite country’s? Ideology gets in the way every time.

‘NOT A GAME’ What a ROFLMAO that is…

Know What You Are Doing

September 5, 2013

So we don’t make the same mistake with Islamic rebeles as we did in Egypt.


‘We swear to the Lord of the Throne, we will take revenge’…

Kerry claim rebels are ‘moderate’ belied by violence…

Did you watch the video?


Is there any doubt?

Sequestration anyone? The new cruise missiles run $1.5 million a pop.

Things Are Heating Up Out There

September 5, 2013

Not everyday do you see this …::: Putin calls Kerry a liar on Syria

MOSCOW Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry a liar, claiming he had denied that al Qaeda was fighting with the Syrian opposition in that country’s civil war.

Play VIDEO Putin issues warning to U.S. on going it alone in Syria Speaking to his human rights council, Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Kerry was asked about al Qaeda. Putin said he had denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group.

Putin said: “This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.”

Read more at …

Wasn’t Putin the one who warned us about the Boston Marathoon bombers before it happened. I assume he might know a little more than John.

And giving chemical weapons to al Qaeda is not good for anyone.

The Unexpected Happens

September 4, 2013

Got to see confirming evidence …::: Liberals reject Obama’s case for Syria strikes; believe Obama and Kerry are lying

Somethimes lightning strikes, and sometime it doesn’t.

You need to decide.

Boots, NO Boots

September 3, 2013

Secretary of State John F. Kerry refused Tuesday to rule out putting U.S. troops on the ground in Syria, saying the president needs to retain the ability to send in forces in very select circumstances as the Obama administration officially began to make its case for retaliatory military strikes on the Assad regime.

Testifying to the Senate, Mr. Kerry accused critics of “armchair isolationism” and said there are risks to acting, but that the risks of inaction are even worse. But asked whether President Obama would accept an authorization from Congress that specifically banned putting U.S. troops on the ground in Syria, the secretary balked.

Like what Kerry did in Vietnam.

OK so then tell me what do we do when the terrorists opposition in Syrai has control of Syri’s WMDS. Anyone what to tell me?

The Global Warming Bozo Speaks

September 2, 2013

Al Gore has a replacement, or is it tin foil?

Our latest scientist speak about what is not knowable … Our say anything to anyone, guy, yesterday is was Syria Today it’s hoaxing the world. Quick change.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday the evidence for climate change(yes, the earth’s climate is always changing) was beyond dispute but it was not too late for international action to prevent its worst impacts.

“The science(nope) is clear. It is irrefutable(nope) and it is alarming(nope),” Kerry told a climate conference in Majuro in the Marshall Islands in a video address from Washington.
“If we continue down our current path, the impacts of climate change will only get worse.”
Kerry said without strong, immediate action, the world would experience threats to critical infrastructure, regional stability, public health, economic vitality, and the long-term viability of some states.
You can blow this science out of the water if you had of had a decent high school physics course.
So if it’s already too late then why bother???
And here I live on the beach at ten feet above sea level, so if anyone should be worried I would think I would be.


Golf Anyone, Hey Glad You Asked

September 2, 2013

Mumbling in circles.

Since we have lied to everybody, nobody but the Frence will say, they then will do.

Does this convince you?

This Was Ridiculous : John Kerry from His ???

August 30, 2013

And this is how we inform what is what? Where was Kerry, the tea room, of his residence. It looked like it was from his tea room.

And what about what Obama says? Isn’t it proper that the CICN tell the American people? Why is Obama avoiding an Oval Office address?

The assessment said the attack, on 12 locations in the Damascus area, killed at least 1,429 people, including at least 426 children — a specific death rate that is higher than many of the initial reports had suggested.

Can you trust US Intel after they were declared so wrong in Iraq???

Strange, really strange.

And so where is Obama ??? And what does he have to say???

You remember the thousands of Kurds killed in Iraq? Yeah those were poof pooed by these very same leftists.

How about we have so real authority on this. What does the UN say???

Fool me once …….. Not going to be fooled again.

Kerry’s Big Announcement

August 26, 2013

Why Not From Obama himself… See kiddies this way Obama can still say he doesn’t know until the paper comes out tomorrow. Kerry: Chemical Weapons ‘Undeniable’

Secretary of State John Kerry says the use of chemical weapons in Syria is “undeniable” and that the U.S. is considering how to respond … Yes but who used them?

Sounds a lot like Saddam Hussein and Iraq does it not?

And you are not alone …

Press corps blurs Obama’s ‘red line’ on Syria…

POLL: 9% support military action…