Another Oops …

September 20, 2013

 NASA’s Plutonium Problem Could End Deep-Space Exploration.

“The country’s scientific stockpile has dwindled to around 36 pounds. To put that in perspective, the battery that powers NASA’s Curiosity rover, which is currently studying the surface of Mars, contains roughly 10 pounds of plutonium, and what’s left has already been spoken for and then some. The implications for space exploration are dire: No more plutonium-238 means not exploring perhaps 99 percent of the solar system. In effect, much of NASA’s $1.5 billion-a-year (and shrinking) planetary science program is running out of time. The nuclear crisis is so bad that affected researchers know it simply as ‘The Problem.’”

Well, can’t we depend on the Muslims for more???

This Is Ominous

September 6, 2013

So… we go from the cold war, to a hot war in Syria …::: Putin warns Russia could come to Syria’s aid over US strike

So much for the vaunted reset button … There is something more than meets the public eye going on here.

We trust what is going on in Syria with our peril. And the fact that our leaders are not telling us the truth. The question is how bad will it really get. If you think a part time job is bad now, what are you going to do when that becomes impossible?

And who wants to spend anything now? Simple common sense, when leaders are not truthful.



It’s those wascally Republicans, who’s best known strategy is agree with him.

It’s the only strategy he has left.

Moving On Up

August 7, 2013

In a rare diplomatic snub, President Barack Obama is canceling plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow next month.: OBAMA CANCELS PUTIN MEETING

AW Poopsie is mad at me ???


How about you join me in a game of kickball?


I don’t think your appeasement is working … We did much better with the Arab Spring Sir…

As Time Goes By, Or Things The Young Don’t Know : What It Was Like

July 28, 2013

Low information young sheep this is for you …

For those who are too young to know, this youtube movie spoof will make the now defunct cold war much more entertaining. And hope it does not comeback.

Just draw your shorts, on tight, laugh and enjoy. Those that are old enough will know there was nothing laughable about air raid drills in school.

It good to remember … And why we think Obama’s economic prescription for the USA sucks.

“Power to the people”, something you will never hear Obama say.

NSA Spys On Europe

July 5, 2013

It’s what happens when the lamestream media joins sides …

PAPER: NSA has secret data collection agreement with European countries…

EU demands explanation…

‘Deeply worried and shocked’…

Germany compares to ‘Cold War’…

The people lose!!!


Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution – Professor Antony Sutton

May 30, 2013

The continuing saga of the early 20th century progressives, as Hillary announced she was part of in her 2008 campaign for President.

Did you ever wonder why she would say that on national TV? ANSWER — She wanted her fellow travelers to know.

The globalists and Woodrow Wilson did the deed. Early 20th century progressives … As Hillary once declared, she was all about.

Listen carefully … why we have to “rewrite our history”, according to Moochelle. And now the progressives are using Al Qaeda for the exact same reason. Foment violence, so you will yell, MAKE THEM STOP.

Food for thought … the textbooks are all lies. They are trying to put the bankers in charge of the new world order.

They see Obama as the one who can complete the early 20th century progressives dream of a world run by Corporate Socialism … small business must be squashed. The middle class can be, no more. Upward mobility, is a capitalist concept that must be stopped. It gives power to the people.

An excellent talk by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Read the rest of this entry »

“Unusual” 5.1 Magnitude North Korea Earthquake – Located at SAME PLACE & SAME MAGNITUDE As 2009 Nuke Test

February 12, 2013

And then, and then, we will have none … who needs nukes, when the world is arming up with nukes. NK and soon Iran. What a genius our boy wonder dog is.

Here is where the NK test was, it set off a 5.1 magnitude earthquake, no small firecracker.

“Unusual” 5.1 Magnitude North Korea Earthquake – Located at SAME PLACE & SAME MAGNITUDE As 2009 Nuke Test

Oops you noticed … me!

The nuclear test recorded a 5.1 on the Richter scale.

Dumboi Barack Obama will call propose sweeping new cuts in the US nuclear arsenal tonight in his State of the Union Address.

Timing is exquisite, wouldn’t you say?

The Telegraph reported:

Barack Obama is expected to propose sweeping new cuts to America’s nuclear weapons arsenal on Tuesday when he delivers his annual State of Union, arms control experts said, as the re-elected President searches for a long-term legacy for his second term.

The proposal to cut the US strategic warhead arsenal by up 40 per cent could save billions of dollars and take America another step closer to the long-term goal – avowed by Mr Obama in his landmark speech in Prague in 2009 – of a nuclear-free world.

Although Mr Obama is not expected to give precise numbers in his speech, reports yesterday claimed that the number of warheads could be cut from 1,700 to as low as 1,000, if a mutual agreement can be secured with Russia.

Mr Obama believes that “pretty radical reductions” can be made to the arsenal, a left-over from the Cold War, and US military leaders have “signed off” on the proposed reductions, the New York Times reported, citing anonymous administration officials.

Hey world, you on your own, BO is running the town. We have needs for our own money, the handouts and Obama phones ya now!

Romney for recovery

September 6, 2012

The Washington Times had this editorial today:


Like the country we have been privileged to serve, we remain fundamentally optimistic about the future. We have endured a financial collapse, a protracted recession, a fiscal crisis that threatens the creditworthiness of the U.S. government, and polarized politics that makes it ever more difficult to govern. Pundits regularly remind us how other great powers, from Rome to Great Britain, all fell into eclipse.

We reject such pessimism. The United States remains the world’s most powerful and, above all, the most indispensable country — diplomatically, militarily, even economically.

American leadership remains critical to global peace and prosperity. No other country has used its resources to accomplish so many positive changes around the world. From the Cold War to the collapse of the Soviet challenge, from Bretton Woods to NAFTA, from NATO to the free-trade agreements with Korea and Colombia, America has promoted democratic values and vindicated our interests in global security.

The stakes are high. International terrorism remains a threat to the safety of each and every one of us. The same is true for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The dynamics of global power are shifting. The system ushered in by the end of the Cold War ended with the implosion of the Soviet empire. Countries like China, India and Brazil have emerged as shapers of international politics. Together with allies and partners, we need to construct a world of peace, justice and security.

But we cannot be strong militarily, politically or diplomatically unless we are strong economically. These past few years, we have experienced an anemic economic recovery, one that has weakened our influence in the world and shaken the confidence of our friends and allies. We need pro-growth strategies that will renew our ailing economy, just as they did when Ronald Reagan took over in 1980. If the U.S. economy continues to stagnate, then predictions of an American retreat from greatness could come true.

That is why we have endorsed Mitt Romney for president. He has the experience, strategy and temperament to lead a robust economic recovery and rein in the mounting federal debt that threatens our future. And he fully understands that our prosperity at home is inextricably linked to our influence abroad.

Mr. Romney has laid out a strong and mature vision of American leadership during his campaign. It is based on a consistent theme that peace abroad depends on American vitality.

Mr. Romney understands that the world remains a dangerous place. He is a staunch supporter of our alliances around the world. He believes in maintaining our military strength. He is committed to expanding free trade and investment. He will oppose the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. And he knows that no American president should ever be ashamed of espousing the democratic principles upon which our nation was founded.

Most of all, he recognizes that America is at its best when it assumes a leadership role on the world stage. Mr. Romney will devote himself to building an America that remains the hope of the world — a world of peace, justice and democracy.

Neil Armstrong, Dead At Age 82

August 25, 2012

He spent nearly three hours walking on the moon with fellow astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.

In those first few moments on the moon, during the climax of heated space race with the then-Soviet Union, Armstrong stopped in what he called “a tender moment” and left a patch commemorate NASA astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts who had died in action.

The moonwalk marked America’s victory in the Cold War space race that began Oct. 4, 1957, with the launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1, a 184-pound satellite.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said

“as long as there are history books, Neil Armstrong will be included in them.”

Bolden said in a statement that Armstrong will be

“remembered for taking humankind’s first small step on a world beyond our own.” 

Armstrong was “one of America’s greatest explorers” who readily accepted President John F. Kennedy’s challenge to send an American to the moon, Boden said. Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, and he radioed back to Earth the historic news:

“That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”

I met Neil Armstrong back in the late 60s, I was a student at UH and it was a great thrill to meet a “real astronaut”. Obviously he was trying to impress us kids at the time, and did it magnificently. We were working on the design and construction of ALSEP at the time …


rness?The Socialists Used To Hide, Not Anymore: Obama – New Backwards, Vision of America In Which Prosperity is Shared

August 14, 2012

Yep the Soviet Union had the same problem with their Communism. Forward to the gutter.

Some people have bigger brains, and some are just stupid like our Preezy. How do we fix that? People are different.

Who decides what is fair?

But hide no more, why bother. Equality of outcome. Liberals nirvana, equal misery for all. It’s the only what. But they don’t seem to understand that. Do they??

Backwards, to Communism where every body shares in their collective salvation. Except salvation isn’t collective, it’s individual salvation. Oh well why bother.

Can we call him a socialist now? His pappy was an avowed African socialist

This past weekend in Chicago Barack Obama promoted,

“A new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared.”

Now he doesn’t give a damn. Radical is out …

Via Real Clear Politics:

“Too many folks still don’t have a sense that tomorrow will be better than today. And so, the question in this election is which way do we go?” President Obama asked at a fundraiser in Chicago on Sunday.

Freedom, or Obama communism.

“Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?” Obama asked. “Or do we go backward to the same policies that got us in the mess in the first place? I believe we have to go forward.”

Backwards … Related… RYAN: ‘We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes’…

We have to downsize every one, to the smallest possible point. It;s the only way to insure equal outcomes. Yes Obama didn’t say that, but he means exactly that.