NSA Beleives Al Jazeera Is A Threat to America

September 3, 2013

What else could it be? Snowden Document: NSA Spied On Al Jazeera Communications

Arab news broadcaster Al Jazeera was spied on by the National Security Agency, according to documents seen by SPIEGEL. The US intelligence agency hacked into protected communication, a feat that was considered a particular success.


And Don’t think Encryption Will Save You From NSA spying

August 30, 2013

ENCRYPTION IS USEFUL, BUT OVERRATED ::: New Snowden Leak Reports ‘Groundbreaking’ NSA Crypto-Cracking.

The NSA staff is reported at over 100,000 people.

Bugged Are You?

August 26, 2013

Well at least they bugged the bad guys . ::: NSA BUGGED UN HQ

The day your feelings got hurt.


The cost of FREE Government CHEESE… You want more, we have plenty, as soon as we sort out the BS.

Why Isn’t Everybody In an Uproar Over NSA Spying

August 4, 2013

Reporter Wears GOOGLE Glass to Pelosi Presser…

Pelosi … Takes heat for support of NSA snooping…

Understanding the NOT understandable.

Why do anybody vote for people who people openly sponsor tyranny? And that goes for both parties that support Big Government and the programs they support.

Me I am tending towards libertarian-ism. I started as a Democrat(parents, what can I say) when I was young, voted for Jimmy Carter, yes go ahead I know I should have listened to what he was saying, but at the time I was lured by the fluff promises of grandor he made, before it all turned to crap.

I mean after-all he was a nuclear engineer didn’t you know… So obviously I thought he knew what he was talking about … WRONG on all counts. Word of caution here.

The Town-halls Of August Await …

NSA Spys On Europe

July 5, 2013

It’s what happens when the lamestream media joins sides …

PAPER: NSA has secret data collection agreement with European countries…

EU demands explanation…

‘Deeply worried and shocked’…

Germany compares to ‘Cold War’…

The people lose!!!


Spies And Their Friends … Not The EU

July 2, 2013

Spying on allies, not as good as spying on American citizens … Give them another Teleprompter séance.


Captin, I see trouble ahead …

Barack Obama seeks to limit EU fallout over US spying claims

Barack Obama has sought to limit the damage from the growing transatlantic espionage row after Germany and France denounced the major snooping activities of US agencies and warned of a possible delay in the launch next week of ambitious free-trade talks between Europe and the US.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and French president, François Hollande, demanded quick explanations from Washington about disclosures by the Guardian and Der Spiegel that US agencies bugged European embassies and offices. Berlin stressed there had to be mutual trust if trade talks were to go ahead in Washington on Monday.

Hollande went further, indicating the talks could be called off unless the alleged spying was stopped immediately and US guarantees were provided.

That’s why he knows nothing, he is busy spying on everybody.


Someone Tell The Europeans …

July 1, 2013

KERRY: ‘Spying on allies is not unusual’…

European Commission will sweep offices for bugs…


France, Germany rip surveillance…

Prosecutors To Review Allegations…

Germany Summons US Ambassador…


Sounds like they don’t see it Kerry’s way … Ya think?


Carmen Reinhart: “No Doubt. Our Pensions Are Screwed.”

April 12, 2013

Harvard Economist: ‘The Crisis Isn’t Over in the US or Europe’

The Federal Reserve Bank in Washington, DC: “No doubt, our pensions are screwed!”

In a SPIEGEL interview, Harvard economist Carmen Reinhart argues governments are incapable of reducing their debts and that central banks are now stepping up to resolve the crisis themselves. In the end, she argues, everyday savers will pay the price.

Via Der Spiegel,

 governments are incapable of reducing their debts and that central banks are now stepping up to resolve the crisis themselves. In the end, she argues, everyday savers will pay the price.

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As Europe Comes To It’s Senses Regarding the Global Warming Hoax…

January 23, 2013

der Spiegel has finally gotten around to conceding that global warming has ended, at least for the time being.

CO2 causes nothing then? The Models are all wrong? What did you expect when you initialize them on fasle data?


Since Obozo has said he is going to tackle the global warming hoax in his next term, this is important. Europe the first to buy in, are now moving out, as they have sufficiently collapsed their economy through electricity costs.

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